This isn't even close to a dumb or funny death so there's really no true comedy potential to be mined from this. The fact of the matter is that the news is presented in a manner in which we are dealing with characters and not real people so making memes and posting hot takes like you're watching a poorly scripted streaming show is to be expected. Also the country is just in an overall sour mood. Seeing rich people die is a welcome break from the 24/7 boot on neck season we currently live under. Make of that what you will. Not saying it's "right" but I do understand even if I won't partake.
Americans are just too impotent, lazy and apathetic to do anything about the wealthy ourselves so we rely on their own hubris and mother nature to finish the job while we play edgelords on Twitter. And yes, this is the equivalent of cac edge.
I don't see the problem with going to view the Titanic, if that's what you want to do, but don't do it on the cheap for goodness sake. Capitalism is a disease though and it's only natural that the billionaire would cut corners with even his own life to save a buck or two.
If they knew they were in trouble the anxiety would be worse than any eventual death. An implosion like that likely wouldn't even have enough time to register or at least not generate a fear response.
Once you realize you've imploded you're looking down (or up
) anyway. There are worse ways to go.