I been saying this up here for the longest, race is not the end all be got to look at actual policy and get off that partisan bullshiit. People will throw a race curve balll into a conversation and the main points of a subject just disintegrate into elementary school babel.
I'm not saying race doesn't play a role in policy, but I am saying don't dismiss people's talking points just because your whole preconcieved notions are clouded by race-apalooza. The Tea Party said this whole health thing was a farce, and negros from Timbuktu to Chicago were just repeating CNN and MSNBC talking points and saying they were racists, as the end all be all of the discussion.
Gotta be objective in your thinking. Sometimes the truth comes from sources you don't like in their totality, but you have to be mature enough to separate the truth from aspects you don't like.
Aka the immigration issue this election
Get ready for open borders y'all

Half the south bout to be Mexican and Chinese and Indians coming for your 6 certs
All cause trump called illegals rapist