Vince might and probably will survive this....but man, this is the first time in a while Ive seen mainstream outlets cover this story and the general perception of this is its pretty bad. A number of channels and stations and even regular media podcasts that have nothing to do with wrestling have covered it and it always keeps things in perspective with how they react to this stuff.
Like I know WWE and wrestling fans in their bubble are like "So what its consentual and NDAs were signed"and because he survived that shyt from 30 years ago this is whatever, but letting it happen within the corporate structure and then handing her off the Lauruntitis....people outside the bubble are kinda like wtf is this public traded company doing lol
And the wild part is even those mainstream outlets who are appauld at this are like "Well damn out of all the things he done, this might be the one?

I was feel like when normal news outlets cover this its the same shame that dawns upon you when you talk to normal people about wrestling