64. Prior to the writing of this scene many of the WWE writers commonly complained that they didn’t know what to do with Ms. Belair.
72. In conversation with Ms. Belair the following day, Ms. Belair informed Plaintiff that she told DUNN “3 DIFFERENT TIMES THAT I DON'T WANT TO SAY THAT LINE! BUT HE NEVER LISTENS TO ME! HE PUTS THAT LINE IN EVERY WEEK.”
73. Ms. Belair said the script’s discriminatory line(s) made her look “ghetto.”
By way of example, it was discussed in the WWE writer’s Slack channel before a show, that a new wrestler, Reggie, would dress in drag complete with wig and tights, “so he could partner with Carmella, a female wrestler, in a tag-team match against other female wrestlers.”
Subsequently, a storyline was pitched by CALLAHAN where Shane would capture Reggie and constantly beat him up, but Reggie would always escape after being captured.
107. Afterwards, Plaintiff spoke with Mr. Parise, a white, Caucasian WWE writer, who revealed that he agreed with Plaintiff that the pitch was racist, but he felt too nervous to speak up about it in front of CALLAHAN.
140. In or around November 2021 a WWE writer, Mr. Zach Hyatt (“Mr. Hyatt”) admitted to Plaintiff and another black, female WWE writer, Ms. Sylvers that he was “afraid to critique his group of Black wrestlers.”
141. Plaintiff and Ms. Sylvers spoke to the black performers directly, who expressed feeling “unheard and misunderstood culturally” and who thanked Plaintiff and Ms. Sylvers for their compassionate approach to writing for black, and other minority characters.
145. Ms. Sylvers and Plaintiff, the only black writers on the team, at the time, were tasked to pitch a love storyline between wrestlers Aaliyah, Mansoor, and Angel Garza, who are both Muslim).
146. Ms. Sylvers and Plaintiff pitched that Mansoor has a secret that he’s keeping from Aaliyah.
147. CALLAHAN disagreed with the secret Ms. Sylvers and Plaintiff wanted for the character.
148. Instead, CALLAHAN suggested, “how about his secret is he's behind the 9/11 attacks?”
149. Ms. Sylvers nervously laughed and said, “let's not do that. Let's talk about the other part of the pitch.”
150. CALLAHAN said, “Oh, I guess you're the lead writer now.”
168. LUBRANO followed up and told Plaintiff she was doing a great job and that “[Pritchard], [MR. MCMAHON], and [MS. MCMAHON] love [Plaintiff’s] writing. But [Plaintiff] should be careful to pick and choose [Plaintiff’s] battles.”
Respectfully submitted, THE COCHRAN FIRM
This Callahan dude is the new Johnny Ace he about to beSkimmed through the .pdf
Nothing in her claims puts Vince directly present, or involved, in anything that happened. It reads like a nothingburger in the long run.![]()
Skimmed through the .pdf
Nothing in her claims puts Vince directly present, or involved, in anything that happened. It reads like a nothingburger in the long run.![]()
She included Vince and Stephanie in the suit, but all she has is that they were in the Slack group.
She's looking to prove that there was "discriminatory treatment, harassment, hostile work environment, wrongful termination, and unlawful retaliation against the Plaintiff due to her race, color, and gender" not that Vince was sitting at the head of the table with a giant pencil, writing all those ideas down as he twirled his mustache before saying "That's racist enough - good job everyone - let's go for lunch"
It doesn't have to refer to him directly. He's the chairmanSkimmed through the .pdf
Nothing in her claims puts Vince directly present, or involved, in anything that happened. It reads like a nothingburger in the long run.![]()
This should surprise absolutely nobody
Is this the same girl that called Bob “Bobby Ashley”?Lost on why she wants the job back
What a career arc. A young terrorist prodigy to a model.Found the storyline that Ali told Vince to kick rocks over.
Edit: Wait - they pitched this for Mansoor? The Saudi cat who was 6 in 2001? And now he's a model?
I'm just reading this on wiki - you have to bear with me.
I don't even....![]()