The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Not to trivialize their deaths or the possible risk of corona virus but this is yet another example of a biased article that assumes the worst and questions very little.
For context:
I'll bet you anything they had pre-existing conditions but we can't know because the author doesn't report about it and as you can see four of them were 57+. I very much doubt it can have been clearly determined that they all died from corona virus instead of with. As the story mentions, one of the people who had been in close contact with one of the victims was diagnosed with the flu. The person who he came in contact with, 70 years old, fell ill a few days later (also consistent with the incubation period for the flu). He tested positive for corona but the article doesn't state whether they tested him for the flu.
Also, how many people do you think usually die within a few weeks after a major event with thousands in attendance during a flu season? It's important to ask just how many people of the 2800 have had corona because 5 out of 2800 is only 0.18% deaths. Obviously, most people likely did not have it but the article mentions at least a dozen other people who did have it but either only tested positive or "experienced symptoms". "Many others experienced symptoms consistent with coronavirus, but were not tested".
If only 500 out of the 2800 have had coronavirus (not an unreasonable number given the reported number of people with symptoms and as this was before serious lockdown measures) but the other 495 did not die, that would put the death rate at 1%. Similar to the flu.
Without looking into this kind of detail, this certainly is playing up the human element a whole lot while investigating the facts very little.
Dude, the majority of Americans are overweight.
An absurd amount are obese
A large percentage of Americans have high-blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. . .
There's no such thing of huge groups of Americans who don't have a bunch of pre-existing health conditions.
The idea that there's a whole country of perfectly healthy American adults, especially in poorer/working-class communities is a pipe dream.
That's why arguments like yours don't make sense.