Breaking News: Hugo Chavez is Dead


Aug 12, 2012
Sean Penn Praises Chavez, Calls George Washington a ‘Loser’
Mar. 11, 2013

American actor Sean Penn claimed last night that recently deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was one of history's greatest leaders, and called George Washington a 'loser' by comparison.

In an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan, the controversial star of Milk and Summerspell layered adulation upon the Latin American socialist, but declined to do the same for one of America's founding fathers.

The special interview followed Penn's trip to Caracas, where he attended the funeral of Chavez, the country's longtime socialist leader who died last week of cancer.

Chavez was widely popular with a large swath of Venezuelan society and some Western left-wing activists like Penn. However, many criticized the former military commander - whose first attempt at power came in the form of a coup - for his tenuous commitment to democracy.

Piers Morgan took Penn to task for his support of Chavez's revolution, but the Hollywood icon refused to back down.

"Piers, all great democracies start with a coup," Penn explained, "Just look at Castro in Cuba, Lenin in the Soviet Union, or the Ayatollahs in Iran. All started with coups, but eventually all became thriving democratic societies. The same is true in Venezuela"

Give Me Socialism
Penn then revealed that on his trip to Venezuela he had seen the marvels of Chavez's system of government and claimed that the country will soon be better off than the United States.

"I think he might be one of the best leaders of all time," Penn argued, "He showed the world that poor, marginalized peoples will not stand for historical injustices any longer."

"But surely," Morgan interrupted, "Surely you don't think Chavez is on par with someone like say...George Washington do you? He's not a universality admired figure. A lot of people in his own country quite despised him."

"Well Piers I don't think Geroge Washington is the best example of someone who's universally admired," Penn replied, "I've read a lot about early American history. And honestly George Washington... he comes off as a bit of a loser."

"George Washington? A loser?" Morgan replied," I am literally astonished. You're an intelligent person. How can you possibly say George Washington was a loser?"

"First of all, he couldn't speak French," Penn explained, "And this was in an era when French was the language of high society. He tried hard, but just couldn't do it. Kinda pathetic really.

"Secondly, the woman he married wasn't exactly the cream of the crop. She had already been married, had two kids, and a face that launched 1000 ships in the opposite direction. That's the best George could do? I can tell you Chavez did a lot better.

"And third, you have to really question his judgement. I mean this is someone who wanted to make Benedict Arnold his second in command. His name is synonymous with treason. How could you not see that one coming?

American History F

Penn then extended his critique to all of America's founding fathers, whom he blasted for their support of slavery.

"I consider myself to be an expert on colonial American history. And all these guys - George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin - they all had slaves. Franklin was the largest slave-owner in Pennsylvania and controlled its tobacco farms.

"Why does the United States still celebrate slave owners? It's shocking. Americans need to wake up and realize that the Founding Fathers were just a bunch of over-privileged, bourgeoisie white guys who didn't want to pay their taxes.

"Chavez was something much different. He was a hero to the working class, and his revolution - unlike America's - was staunchly anti-colonial."

Stunned by his disrespect for America's early leaders, Morgan then moved the conversation on to Penn's charity work in Haiti.

Penn's long-suffering publicist issued a statement shortly afterwards apologizing for his remarks.

"I deeply apologize for any offense my comments may have caused. I am a proud American and I recognize and celebrate the greatness of my country's historical leaders."

I agree with the whole slavery aspect as most people and especially believe Washington was nowhere near the greatest president....

My issue is with his idiotic comment about how Washington made Benedict Arnold his second in command and how because of his name..... "anyone could have seen that coming"

Does this clown know that Benedict Arnold's name did not become linked with being known as a "traitor'" until AFTER he became second in command?

:skip: :skip: :skip:

Does he think the definition of Benedict means traitor before he was a traitor?



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chavez will continue to serve until the next presidential election in 2019, officials said.

Chavez, a former military officer who led the country for 14 years, died Tuesday, March 5, at age 58 following a long battle with cancer.

Citing the widespread support and outpouring of grief since Chavez’s death, Vice President Nicolas Maduro and officials with Chavez’s United Socialist Party (PSUV) said the controversial firebrand will complete his fourth presidential term of six years.

“There is no need to change presidents, especially when our president has a popularity level that most living presidents can only dream of,” Maduro said. “I believe Hugo would have wanted to continue serving the people, even in death.”

Maduro says Chavez's embalmed body will be wheeled into cabinet meetings where the display will "inspire" policy making until his term has expired.

The flamboyant and controversial Chavez used the country’s vast oil wealth to institute a number of socialist policies during his 14 years in power. Broad popular support, buoyed by Venezuela’s poor, enabled him to change the constitution and to win four presidential elections, most recently in October 2012 when he received 55 percent of the vote with a high turnout.

More than 30 world leaders attended his state funeral Friday in the Venezuelan capital Caracas. Millions of supporters lined the streets, and more than 2 million people have visited his body lying in state at a military academy.

La Egoista
Maduro told news reporters that Chavez was needed as figurehead president in order for the party to successfully continue his numerous socialist reforms, known as the Bolivarian Revolution.

Venezuela’s constitution states that an election must be held within 30 days if the president dies or is unable to take office.

However, PSUV officials said they plan to follow the Chavez playbook and change the constitution to enable him to remain president.

“We have the technology to keep (Chavez) preserved for decades, much like the Russians keep Vladimir Lenin.” Maduro added. "He could run for president again in 2019 if he's still popular."

Maduro said Chavez’s national talk show, “Alo Presidente,” which broadcasted for about six hours on Sundays, would continue to air each week with guest hosts.

La Oposicion

Opposition politicians quickly denounced plans to keep Chavez as president.

“Hugo Chavez ran this country into the ground through corruption and cronyism,” said Juan Grande Culo, an opposition member of the National Assembly. “Now it’s our turn to do the same.”

“The good thing about Chavez’s death is that things might get back to normal in Venezuela,” said Manuel Enfermar, governor of Sucre state. “Politicians are supposed to serve the rich, not the poor.”

Miguel Pensador, a political scientist at the Central University of Venezuela, said Chavez left an indelible mark on Venezuela's history.

“In our history, Venezuela was governed by behind-the-scenes interests and foreign companies,” Pensador said. “The president was largely a figurehead meant to serve the elites at the expense of the majority. As a result, Venezuelans are used to cabrones as presidents. It's rare for a majority of poor Venezuelans to like their president, even if he was a bit of an autocrat like the other presidents.

“Chavez also told George W. Bush to f**k off before other world leaders started doing it,” Pensador added. “People will love him just for that.”
May 3, 2012
We have lost our best friend

THE best friend the Cuban people have had throughout their history died on the afternoon of March 5. A call via satellite communicated the bitter news. The significance of the phrase used was unmistakable.

Although we were aware of the critical state of his health, the news hit us hard. I recalled the times he joked with me, saying that when both of us had concluded our revolutionary task, he would invite me to walk by the Arauca river in Venezuelan territory, which made him remember the rest that he never had.

The honor befell us to have shared with the Bolivarian leader the same ideas of social justice and support for the exploited. The poor are the poor in any part of the world.

"Let Venezuela give me a way of serving her: she has in me a son," proclaimed National Hero José Martí, the leader of our independence, a traveler who, without cleansing himself of the dust of the journey, asked for the location of the statue of Bolívar.

Martí knew the beast because he lived in its entrails. Is it possible to ignore the profound words he voiced in an inconclusive letter to his friend Manuel Mercado the day before he died in battle? "…I am in daily danger of giving my life for my country and duty – for I understand that duty and have the intention of carrying it out – the duty of preventing the United States from extending through the Antilles as Cuba gains its independence, and from falling, with that additional strength, upon our lands of America. All that I have done thus far, and will do, is for this purpose. I have had to work silently and somewhat indirectly because, there are certain things which, in order to attain them, have to remain concealed…."

At that time, 66 years had passed since the Liberator Simón Bolívar wrote, "…the United States would seem to be destined by fate to plague the Americas with miseries in the name of freedom."

On January 23, 1959, 22 days after the revolutionary triumph in Cuba, I visited Venezuela to thank its people and the government which assumed power after the Pérez Jiménez dictatorship, for the dispatch of 150 rifles at the end of 1958. I said at that time:

"…Venezuela is the homeland of the Liberator, where the idea of the union of the peoples of America was conceived. Therefore, Venezuela must be the country to lead the union of the peoples of America; as Cubans, we support our brothers and sisters in Venezuela.

"I have spoken of these ideas not because I am moved by any kind of personal ambition, or even the ambition of glory, because, at the end of the day, ambitions of glory remain a vanity, and as Martí said, ‘All the glory of the world fits into a kernel of corn.’

"And so, upon coming here to talk in this way to the people of Venezuela, I do so thinking honorably and deeply, that if we want to save America, if we want to save the freedom of each one of our societies that, at the end of the day, are part of one great society, which is the society of Latin America; if it is that we want to save the revolution of Cuba, the revolution of Venezuela and the revolution of all the countries on our continent, we have to come closer to each other and we have to solidly support each other, because alone and divided, we will fail."

That is what I said on that day and today, 54 years later, I endorse it!

I must only include on that list the other nations of the world which, for more than half a century, have been victims of exploitation and plunder. That was the struggle of Hugo Chávez.

Not even he himself suspected how great he was.

¡Hasta la victoria siempre, unforgettable friend!

Fidel Castro Ruz
March 11, 2013
12:35 a.m. - We have lost our best friend


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
I heard he died because he wanted to peg his countries currency to gold


Aug 12, 2012
I heard he died because he wanted to peg his countries currency to gold


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Jul 17, 2013
it's gonna take me a while to read this whole thread. i'm on page 9...