BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton's Wall-Street Transcripts LEAKED #WIKILEAKS (UPDATE: DNC ADMITS IT)


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
I don't vote, I don't have a candidate, BECAUSE I already knew it was rigged.

as I ask people like u that's always on this rigged conspiracy shyt
PLEASE tell me about 2008

Nobody or should I say almost nobody ever heard of a man named Barack Hussein Obama the whole country matter fact the whole world heard of Hillary Rodman Clinton she was the favorite to win the democratic nomination and to win the presidency like 83% - if the system was fukking rigged she currently would be the president and Obama would be debating Trump

Again the system is not rigged... is just a poor excuse for people candidates have lost


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
as I ask people like u that's always on this rigged conspiracy shyt
PLEASE tell me about 2008

Nobody or should I say almost nobody ever heard of a man named Barack Hussein Obama the whole country matter fact the whole world heard of Hillary Rodman Clinton she was the favorite to win the democratic nomination and to win the presidency like 83% - if the system was fukking rigged she currently would be the president and Obama would be debating Trump

Again the system is not rigged... is just a poor excuse for people candidates have lost
BOTH were establishment candidates in 08'. So, please stop using 2008 as an argument. Plus, he gave a speech at the 2004 DNC Convention.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Emails show Clinton crafted BDS letter for pro-Israel donors, as counter to her support for Iran deal

The latest hacked emails from the Clinton campaign expose a lot of fawning toward the Israel lobby, especially during the runup to the Iran deal, when Hillary Clinton had to balance her devotion to Israel with her loyalty to the Obama administration.

For instance, when Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to give his speech to Congress in March 2015 seeking to submarine President Obama’s signature foreign policy achievement, Clinton’s top foreign policy aide Jake Sullivan expressed concern that Clinton not say anything publicly to offend “Bibi.”

At the time, Sullivan was advised by Stuart Eisenstat, Clinton’s ambassador from the Jewish community, that Clinton needed to make an “adult” statement, so as to ameliorate “the deteriorating U.S.-Israel relationship, with the increasingly bitter Obama-Bibi tiff.”

Here a simple call from Hillary that it is important to stop the downward spiral of events with our close ally, notwithstanding mistakes, so we can focus on the key issues of Middle East peace and preventing Iran for acquiring a bomb would be a welcome positive, “adult” statement.

Sullivan responded:

Stu – how would you craft the… statement so it doesn’t look like a rebuke of potus [President of the United States], bibi, or both?

Clinton soon made the “simple call” that Eisenstat had advised so as to placate the Israel lobby. She called Malcolm Hoenlein, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (and the very man Obama had used to feel Clinton out in 2008 when he wanted to hire her as secretary of state), and Hoenlein released a statement: “Secretary Clinton thinks we need to all work together to return the special U.S.-Israel relationship to constructive footing, to get back to basic shared concerns and interests.” And the New York Times, among other publications, ran a story on the call, headlined,“Clinton Wants to Improve Ties to Israel.”

One of Clinton’s biggest financial supporters was pleased. Haim Saban sent an email to Clinton aides Huma Abedin and John Podesta describing the Clinton comments as “Very smart and politically correct” because they did not criticize the Obama administration. “Pls say thanks to the lady.”

Saban added that “thousands” of people, meaning pro-Israel donors, were going to like the call, because they wondered Where Hillary is on Israel.

Also pls be aware that these articles will be mailed to thousands of people who are interested in the subject matter and who have been asking themselves ,,,,and me ,many times ”Where is Hillary on this”

Iran was still a problem, though. That summer of 2015, the Iran deal came to Congress, andPolitico published an article saying that Hillary Clinton was confusing “Jewish donors.” On the one hand, she was telling them, “I’ll be better for Israel than Obama.” On the other, these same donors came out of meetings with her with “sometimes widely varying interpretations” of her view of the Iran deal. Mixed signals!

The article caused considerable consternation in the Clinton braintrust. Virtually the entire campaign leadership discussed what to do over the course of an afternoon, July 3, 2015. Campaign manager Robby Mook said he got the Israeli questions from “donors all the time”:

I was just thinking: has she made a clear statement on Israel yet? I get this question from donors all the time. Does she need to state her principles on Israel before Iran? Or do both at the same time?

In saying “before Iran,” Mook was anticipating Clinton’s public support for the Iran deal, which she announced ten days later.

Speechwriter Dan Schwerin said Clinton was taking care of her position on Israel:

That’s basically the goal of the BDS letter.

The BDS letter was a letter Clinton had written to Saban the day before, dated July 2, promising to fight Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, along with Republicans. The letter had not yet gone public.

Mook responded that the letter wasn’t enough.

Do we need to push it harder over the next few days? Get something written? I feel like we’re going to want something to point to. Or maybe even just content on the website?

Deputy communications director Christina Reynolds suggested:

We could either get a donor to leak it or just give it to a reporter if we want to get it out there. I’m semi-surprised it’s not out yet.

Reynolds added:

If Haim’s going to give it to the Jewish media, I think that solves our problem. Once they write, we can make sure it gets picked up by some of our beat guys.

Jake Sullivan also got into the act that afternoon, July 3:

We have a two pager I’m getting clearance from her on. That is what we have to ship around.

Reynolds again emphasized the need to cover her “Israel support”:

Right, but if we wanted to have a reporter cover the Israel support now, a leak of the letter could probably get written. Otherwise, we can work around the Israel support for reporters covering Iran.

Mook responded that afternoon that it was vital to get the word out before Hillary Clinton endorsed the Iran deal:

Let’s def give it to someone. I see zero downside to a story. Then we can circulate around right away (hopefully) in advance of Iran

The Clinton-to-Saban letter against BDS appeared in Politico on July 6. Politico wrote, “A campaign aide said Clinton was motivated to write the letter after hearing from a number of people on the issue over the past few months.”

A week later Stu Eizenstat warned the campaign that “in Israel there is wall-to-wall opposition” to the Iran Deal, including from the center-left Jewish leaders Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni.

Another warning came on January 27, 2016. M Bronfein, who would seem to be Michael Bronfein, a big contributor to the Clintons. warned the campaign about an article in the Washington Post by the neoconservative Jennifer Rubin pointing out that Chelsea Clinton had held a fundraiser in California at the home of a board member of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), which Rubin called “a notorious group with links to the Iranian regime that opposed, among other things, any sanctions on Iran.” Bronfein wrote:

I am fielding quite a few concerns over this.. , seems to have some viral qualities.. FYI

Dennis Cheng, the national finance chair for the Clinton campaign, wrote back the same day to Bronfein:

Thanks for flagging – will look into this asap

As you read these emails, which were hacked from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s email accounts, remember that after the Iran Deal was signed in 2015, Netanyahu wasinvited to an embarrassingly-obsequious interview by the person holding Podesta’s former job as head of the Center for American Progress: Neera Tanden. Part of the strategy from on high.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism

It was some type of satire writing that Sanders wrote. I've been knew of this shyt since December of 2015. Show's you how desperate the establishment was. They (DNC) also wanted to use Sanders Jewish and being Agnostic against him :snoop: Crazy part, the DNC has a quite number of Jews in the party :francis:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


Ya'll gonna learn to keep falling for the bait :mjlol:

Dear Vladimir Putin, I Am Not Sidney Blumenthal
By Kurt Eichenwald On 10/10/16 at 7:45 PM
I am Sidney Blumenthal. At least, that is what Vladimir Putin seems to believe.

An email from Blumenthal—a confidant of Hillary Clinton and a man, second only to George Soros at the center of conservative conspiracy theories—turned up in the recent document dump by Wikileaks. At a time when American intelligence believes Russian hackers are trying to interfere with the presidential election, records have been fed recently to Wikileaks out of multiple organizations of the Democratic Party, raising concerns that the self-proclaimed whistleblowers group has become a tool of Putin’s government. But now that I have been brought into the whole mess—and transformed into Blumenthal—there is even more proof that this act of cyberwar is not only being orchestrated by the Russians, but that they are really, really dumb.

The evidence turned up thanks to the incompetence of Sputnik, the Russian online news and radio service established by the government controlled news agency, Rossiya Segodnya.

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The documents that Wikileaks unloaded recently have been emails out of the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s election campaign. Almost as soon as the pilfered documents emerged, Sputnik was all over them and rapidly found (or probably already knew about before the Wikileaks dump) a purportedly incriminating email from Blumenthal.

The email was amazing—it linked Boogie Man Blumenthal, Podesta and the topic of conservative political fevered dreams, Benghazi. This, it seemed, was the smoking gun finally proving Clinton bore total responsibility for the terrorist attack on the American outpost in Libya in 2012. Sputnik even declared that the email might be the “October surprise” that could undermine Clinton’s campaign.

To understand the full importance of the story—and how much Putin and his Kremlin cronies must have been dancing with delight—I have to quote the top few paragraphs:

In a major revelation from the second batch of WikiLeaks emails from Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta it was learned that Hillary's top confidante Sidney Blumenthal believed that the investigation into Benghazi was legitimate because it was "preventable" and the result of State Department negligence.

In an email titled "The Truth" from Hillary's top confidante Sidney Blumenthal, the adviser writing to undisclosed recipients said that "one important point that has been universally acknowledged by nine previous reports about Benghazi: The attack was almost certainly preventable" in what may turn out to be the big October surprise from the WikiLeaks released of emails hacked from the account of Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta.

Then came the money quote: "Clinton was in charge of the State Department, and it failed to protect U.S. personnel at an American consulate in Libya. If the GOP wants to raise that as a talking point against her, it is legitimate," said Blumenthal, putting to rest the Democratic Party talking point that the investigation into Clinton's management of the State Department at the time of the attack was nothing more than a partisan witch hunt.

Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel during their meeting at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia on September 21. REUTERS/Ivan Sekretarev/Pool

Those words sounded really, really familiar. Really familiar. Like, so familiar they struck me as something I wrote. Because they were something I wrote.

The Russians were quoting two sentences from a 10,000 word piece I wrote for Newsweek, which apparently Blumenthal had emailed to Podesta. They had carefully selected the “of course” paragraph, which essentially tipped a hat to the reality that there were legitimate points of criticism regarding Clinton and Benghazi, all of which had been acknowledged in nine reports about the terror attack and by the former Secretary of State herself. But that was hardly the point of the story, “Benghazi Biopsy: A Comprehensive Guide to One of America’s Worst Political Outrages.” The piece is about the obscene politicization of the assault that killed four Americans, and the article slammed the Republican Benghazi committee which was engaged in a political show trial disguised as a Congressional investigation—the tenth inquiry into the tragedy.

Here is the real summation of my article, which the Russians helpfully failed to quote: “The historical significance of this moment can hardly be overstated, and it seems many Republicans, Democrats and members of the media don’t fully understand the magnitude of what is taking place. The awesome power of government—one that allows officials to pore through almost anything they demand and compel anyone to talk or suffer the shame of taking the Fifth Amendment—has been unleashed for purely political purposes. It is impossible to review what the Benghazi committee has done as anything other than taxpayer-funded political research of the opposing party’s leading candidate for president. Comparisons from America’s past are rare. Richard Nixon’s attempts to use the IRS to investigate his perceived enemies come to mind. So does Senator Joseph McCarthy’s red-baiting during the 1950s, with reckless accusations of treason leveled at members of the State Department, military generals and even the secretary of the Army…The consequences, however, are worse than the manipulation of the electoral process. By using Benghazi for political advantage, the Republicans have communicated to global militants that, through even limited attacks involving relatively few casualties, they can potentially influence the direction of American elections.”

Of course, this might be seen as just an opportunity to laugh at the incompetence of the Russian hackers and government press—once they realized their error, Sputniktook the article down. But this is not funny at all. The Russians have been obtaining American emails and now are presenting complete misrepresentations of them—falsifying them—in hopes of setting off a cascade of events that might change the outcome of the presidential election. The big question, of course, is why are the Russians working so hard to damage Clinton and, in the process, aid Donald Trump. That is a topic for another time.

For now, though, Americans should be outraged. This totalitarian regime, engaged in what are arguably war crimes in Syria to protect their government puppet, is working to upend a democracy to the benefit of an American candidate who uttered positive comments just Sunday about the Kremlin's campaign on behalf of Bashar al-Assad. Trump’s arguments were an incomprehensible explication of the complex Syrian situation, which put him right on the side of the Iranians and Syrians who are fighting to preserve the government that is the primary conduit of weapons used against Israel.

So no, Mr. Putin, I’m not Sidney Blumenthal. And now that you have been exposed once again, get the hell out of our election.