Cheer at Twitter censoring the president of the United states account on Twitter while hes in office, brehs. Same type of shyt will be used by Biden and company to take away section 230 to prevent private tech companies from government interference. They play both sides. Theyll diss twitter saying its out of control but they'll do business with Twitter. Just like how they let Trump talk all this time with no problems and now are banning him like we dont know Biden is connected to these tools. They setting yall up and yall dont even know. Got yall hating Trump to the point where yall not even seeing the establishment is using his name to push whatever they want on the low. These people are not your friends so stop acting like it. The people who are doing the most trying to inject whatever they want to fool whoever into their agenda
This is chess. One move is actually 15 moves. Stop being gullible.
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