In short...
"We basically brought these untame and savage African families over to the "New World" with us, ultimately to help domesticate them. Our many attempts at being friendly, giving them a FREE RIDE over on our luxurious cruise ships...Ample working opportunities, even gave them a fierce work ethic. For some reason, they STILL weren't grateful for all we've done, let them babysit our kids, make clothes, and even feed them the same animals we ate. They are a misguided people who preferred to be in chains (as we see now, they've just painted those same chains gold/silver) and all we did was oblige...We fought a war, even included them in it, because we fought for our states' rights to continue to employ these humble workers on our planta...I mean factories. We Lost the war and had to "FREE" the "employees" but they seemed content working with us. Some idiot named Jim Crow made laws that BOTH sides thought were fair...We'll stay separate, but EQUAL and that worked pretty well up until right around the time they burned that CVS down in West Baltimore and elected some SOCIALIST foreigner as POTUS"
I'm guessing those books aren't too far off from this?

Let these cacs tell it, slavery NEVER existed. So damn quick to want to "erase history" in order to be able to face yourselves in the mirror...

Yet we're the "savage animal thugs"