BREAKING: Jordan & Egypt announce they’ll shoot rockets headed towards lsrael|Kuwait says they’ll never allow their airspace to be used against Iran


Nov 12, 2013
I watched your videos and did my own objective research.

The person you're posting from IG is an Israeli who posts zionist content. I have zero reason to believe what he posts. The black people he spoke to have Israeli accents, they may be Afro Palestinians but I have to be skeptical of their lived experiences. The Afro Palestinian man he talked to, and welcomed him as a brother, has an Arab accent and speaks Arabic. All he did was welcome him and we don't actually get his perspective and his experiences. All the experiences we do get are from Afro Israelis speaking on behalf of Afro Palestinians.

Luckily for you, I do know Afro-Palestinians who have made it out of the West Bank as refugees. Their account of Afro-Palestinians is that while they do receive blatant racism from Israelis, as all Palestinians do, their lived experiences are made worse by Israelis and NOT Palestinians.

While anecdotal evidence is nice, here's some objective research.

Two marginalized communities living within the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, the Dom (who self-identify in English as Gypsies) and the African Community (who self-identify in English as African Palestinians), have long suffered from racism from the Israeli authorities and wider Israeli public as well as from within Palestinian society. Yet despite sharing some similarities in their historic exclusion, they live with recent experience that is very different: The African Palestinians are, broadly speaking and despite persistent racism, accepted into Palestinian society, and granted status and dignity, while the Dom remain excluded and widely vilified. This article presents voices from both communities, and offers some ideas as to why their experience differs.

The SECONDARY source you posted, which was ironically anecdotal as well but from SECONDARY perspective, literally said the exact same thing the two Afro-Palestinian women stated in the videos i posted.


African Community (who self-identify in English as African Palestinians), have long suffered from racism from the Israeli authorities and wider Israeli public as well as from within Palestinian society.

The African Palestinians are, broadly speaking and despite persistent racism, accepted into Palestinian society,

The two Afro-Palestinian women literally said this almost word for word. :dahell:

Why do you need some British cac named Matthew Teller to validate this for you when two Afro-Palestinians already said the exact same thing in the videos i posted?

And how is it possible to undergo "persistent racism" while simultaneously claiming that they're granted "status and dignity". The cac is contradicting himself.

Also from one of the Palestinians who your source refrenced:

Musa describes cordial relations between the African Palestinians and Jerusalem’s Ethiopian Christian congregations, as well as with a group known as the Black Hebrews, founded by African Americans in the 1960s and based in the Israeli town of Dimona

Your source again validates exactly what i already posted, which is that the Dimona Hebrews have had a decades long 'cordial' relationship with Afro-Palestinians, which is confirmed in the article YOU posted, therefore all parties i referenced would be legitimate and objective PRIMARY sources of information.

Also from the article you posted:

Yet according to historian Yasir Qaws, slurs such as ‘abid remain “oddly frequent,”

People who are 'frequently'' hurling racial slurs are just showing their "solidarity" :martin:

Also i noticed you had nothing to say about the 4 Black Bedouin children Hamas killed :sas2:

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
The SECONDARY source you posted, which was ironically anecdotal as well but from SECONDARY perspective, literally said the exact same thing the two Afro-Palestinian women stated in the videos i posted.


The two Afro-Palestinian women literally said this almost word for word. :dahell:

Why do you need some British cac named Matthew Teller to validate this for you when two Afro-Palestinians already said the exact same thing in the videos i posted?

And how is it possible to undergo "persistent racism" while simultaneously claiming that they're granted "status and dignity". The cac is contradicting himself.

Also from one of the Palestinians who your source refrenced:

Your source again validates exactly what i already posted, which is that the Dimona Hebrews have had a decades long 'cordial' relationship with Afro-Palestinians, which is confirmed in the article YOU posted, therefore all parties i referenced would be legitimate and objective PRIMARY sources of information.

Also from the article you posted:

People who are 'frequently'' hurling racial slurs are just showing their "solidarity" :martin:

Also i noticed you had nothing to say about the 4 Black Bedouin children Hamas killed :sas2:
You ignored my primary source but that's okay. I don't care about this perspective or discussion with you to be honest.

You can't be honestly asking how black people face racism but are treated with some dignity, as an American. Really. Reexamine the paradigm.

Hamas makes no distinction between black and white zionists. Do you expect me to condone the killing of kids? What exactly was the point of sharing that with me? These are rhetorical questions. I'm not interested in a Zionist perspective. Even if they look like me. Fukk Israel and fukk anything that comes out of it.

Until Palestinians attempt to sterilize black women, put on black face to mock us, claim black Muslims and Christians aren't actually Muslims and Christians... I will never call the two peoples equivalent.

There's a strong and rich history of black solidarity with Palestinians. Some instagram posts and 2 Israeli black people don't change that.


Nov 12, 2013
You ignored my primary source but that's okay.

What i posted constitutes an actual primary source. Even your own SECONDARY source that you posted (which i'm pretty sure you didn't even read in full) validated everything that i posted, almost word for word. Your own source substantiated that Hebrew Israelites of Dimona are one of the few groups that Afro-Palestinians have a close relationship with in the entire land, therefore obviously would be a reliable eyewitness to their plight.

Hamas makes no distinction between black and white zionists. Do you expect me to condone the killing of kids? What exactly was the point of sharing that with me? These are rhetorical questions. I'm not interested in a Zionist perspective. Even if they look like me. Fukk Israel and fukk anything that comes out of it.

Hamas literally started out as an Israeli Intelligence Agency asset and counterweight to Soviet funded Secular, Pan-Arabist movements like the PLO. Groups like Hamas and other radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood affiliates used to derive their funding and support from Israel and the US. They're historically nothing more than pawns on a chess board. They went rogue and found new masters in Tehran who are now puppeteering them for their own geo-political purposes. The fact that you think this Radical Islamist group who were historically used as geo-political pawns in the region have some righteous goal and that they have the moral right to indiscrimately kill Black children on behalf of Iran is absurd.

Nothing improves anywhere under radical Islam. Nothing but death and destruction follows. Nigeria, Sahel, Somalia etc. are full of endless conflict and stagnation due to their local Hamas-like nutjobs. So why are so many (alleged) "Black" folks holding water on social media for this movement that doesn't benefit them in no way whatsoever? Your allegiance should lie whereever YOUR INTERESTS lie. And it damn sure ain't with a radical Islamic uprising.

There's a strong and rich history of black solidarity with Palestinians. Some instagram posts and 2 Israeli black people don't change that.

The source you posted literally said that they're 'frequently' subject to racial slurs and validated and reiterated everything those two Afro-Palestinians from Jericho/West Bank stated. Your concept of 'solidarity' is very strange.

Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
What i posted constitutes an actual primary source. Even your own SECONDARY source that you posted (which i'm pretty sure you didn't even read in full) validated everything that i posted, almost word for word. Your own source substantiated that Hebrew Israelites of Dimona are one of the few groups that Afro-Palestinians have a close relationship with in the entire land, therefore obviously would be a reliable eyewitness to their plight.

Hamas literally started out as an Israeli Intelligence Agency asset and counterweight to Soviet funded Secular, Pan-Arabist movements like the PLO. Groups like Hamas and other radical Islamist Muslim Brotherhood affiliates used to derive their funding and support from Israel and the US. They're historically nothing more than pawns on a chess board. They went rogue and found new masters in Tehran who are now puppeteering them for their own geo-political purposes. The fact that you think this Radical Islamist group who were historically used as geo-political pawns in the region have some righteous goal and that they have the moral right to indiscrimately kill Black children on behalf of Iran is absurd.

Nothing improves anywhere under radical Islam. Nothing but death and destruction follows. Nigeria, Sahel, Somalia etc. are full of endless conflict and stagnation due to their local Hamas-like nutjobs. So why are so many (alleged) "Black" folks holding water on social media for this movement that doesn't benefit them in no way whatsoever? Your allegiance should lie whereever YOUR INTERESTS lie. And it damn sure ain't with a radical Islamic uprising.

The source you posted literally said that they're 'frequently' subject to racial slurs and validated and reiterated everything those two Afro-Palestinians from Jericho/West Bank stated. Your concept of 'solidarity' is very strange.

My interests lie in the destruction of the Zionist colonial project. Nelson Mandela, Malcom X, MLK, and the rest of the planet seem to agree:unimpressed: