Their own, internal stated goal is to maintain their own power, privilege, and global dominance, even at the expense of billions of people around the rest of the world. And the vast majority of their actions were in clear service to that goal.
Yet you just assume, without evidence, that their real goal was the altruistic greater good and any deviations from that were just "not always, no one is perfect".
Why do you assume "American policy is for the greater good!" without evidence, but discout the in-your-face evidence that global power and wealth was the actual driving motivation?
I mean, do you have the slightest idea how US trade policy in Africa has worked EXPLICITLY to keep Africa poor and dependent on American products....not as a rare exception, but as the entire driving force of trade policy? Do you realize the term "Banana Republic" was explicitly coined to describe how US corporations with US military backing had taken over entire nations in Central America and the Carribean? Do you know that we launched invasions of Carribean and Central American countries over two dozen times, almost always to drive American objectives? Do you know that American lobbying has shut down child labor and worker's rights legislation in multiple countries because we were afraid it would make our cheap overseas products too expensive? Do you know what America did to destroy helpful, pro-public governments on nearly every continent solely because they weren't pro-America enough? Are you aware that we sold arms to both sides of the Iran-Iraq war, the bloodiest war since Vietnam, including the ingredients for WMDs? Do you know how we completely abandoned Afghanistan the moment the Soviets left after flooding the country with weapons up until that moment, because we didn't give a shyt about the Afghan people and were only acting against the Soviets? Do you know that we dropped more tonnage of bombs onto Cambodia than we had dropped in all of WW2, under the orders to "drop everything we have on anything that moves", despite Cambodia having never once even attacked American troops? Are you aware how our actions led to the collapse of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge and one of the worst genocides in history? Do you know we tested WMD, including atomic bombs, in foreign countries and in some cases made regions uninhabitable?
And I haven't even scratched the surface of all the dictators and despots we've openly supported because they were "pro-America". And I haven't even mentioned anything about slavery or colonialism or the cynical expansion across the country while we killed every Native American and Mexican in our way. I haven't even gotten into how we destroy the global environment with our pollution and deforestation and ship our trash overseas to fill up foreign countries. Goddamn, I just remembered how we stomp out substinance farmers in poor countries to make way for wealthy exports businesses to the USA instead....I could go on and on and on.
I doubt you know the slightest about this, and if you do you don't care. Because ALL of your positions amount to nothing more than blind loyalty, and thus the fact that you're an American Jew from the greater LA area thus determines everything else you believe, ethics or truth or logic be damned.