White supremacists don't operate on the Huffington Post's watch. They realize that we're aware of key dates like April 20th now. They are not going to descend upon the inauguration wielding AR-15s, zip ties and improvised explosive devices. They have slithered back under the rotting floorboards of this nation after the happenings at the capital. Yes, they will rear their heads anew but it won't be when CNN plasters an overblown doomsday warning on their website's front page. Do you really think any middle eastern terrorist faction worth their salt is going to plan a strike on September 11th? And the ones that do damage won't be hollering hicks who accidentally taser themselves to death in the testicles. You need to be far more concerned about the next Timothy Mcveigh and less about a middle aged frothing frat boy disciple of Gavin Mcinnes.