Another plane crash where it seems like the people on the BACK of the plane had the best chance of survival. @Gloxina
No more business class.
Another plane crash where it seems like the people on the BACK of the plane had the best chance of survival. @Gloxina
Another plane crash where it seems like the people on the BACK of the plane had the best chance of survival. @Gloxina
Back of the plane seats are about to be more coveted than first and business class
I used to never check…most of air Canada is The Boeing 737-800 Scust
Yea I learned to look up my flights/aircrafts. Airbus it isSafe travels breh....
I don't fly boeing.....ever
I'm thinking they mean they've confirmed 23 deaths. They can't just say everybody died without confirming the deaths or saying they're "missing"The fact only 23 people were killed is a miracle. Watch Boeing CEO try to use that fact and try to spin it as a win.
i'm usually in the back anyway because i wait until the entire flight has boarded, and get on last
that way, i get to walk the whole plane and pick out my seat from what's open. sometimes a whole empty row
Also had it.
I’m sure pilot thought that if he landed as flat and straight as possible then the friction would slow them down before the frame failed. Problem was once you land, without the gear there’s no way to steer so you will be on whatever trajectory fate sets you on. Landing straight and flat wouldn’t be enough because the friction wouldn’t be even and it’ll pull you off course similar to hitting the water pooled on the side of the road. It snatched the plane and piled it off the tarmac and uneven ground to either dig or hit something.
Damn shame losing all those lives. My condolences to the families.