Big D Bangston
This black lawyer chick on CNN speaking the truth about blacks not sticking up for Cosby because of his hard criticism of blacks over the years
It pains me to pile more onto Bill Cosby's woes (actually it doesn't). But, how pissed off are the other "Cosby Show" cast members knowing he permanently screwed up their syndication checks?
you couldn't resist, could you?They need to remove walt disneys name from the park too. He was a racist b*stard and their is plenty of evidence of that in the early cartoons they try to pretend dont exist.
Lets keep it real.. These were not innocent women. They were/are prostitutes and escorts and former playboy bunnies who partied it up with celebs back in the day. They have no credibility. To assume they were raped.. you would have assume these escorts went to bills hotel room multiple times late night without the intent to do drugs and have sex. These escorts knowingly took drugs and were getting high and having sex and the reason they kept coming back was cause bill was paying them and buying them gifts which they all admitted too.
And remember only a few actually claimed rape. The other 30 something were "sexual assualt" claims that the media is lumping in for silly stuff such as cosby tried to kiss her and bs like that. The ones claiming rape had the worst credibility. The young one they said he raped at the playboy mansion is a vegas prostitute who has been arrested for it multiple times. The other one is a crackhead who has been in and out of rehab and has has been arrested for fraud and theft and perjury... lying under oath. Why would anyone believe what she says? The media isnt talking about the character of these women but thats the main reason they would never make it through a trial.
his legacy. after the shyt he's said about black folks (especially shytting on that brother during his college graduation) I don't feel bad for him at all
did he say
why the hell would he admit to it? he's a rapist but he's not dumbFrom the statement that I read from Bill Cosby, he didn't admit to drugging anyone. He admitted that he along with a woman took pills together. Basically, that he asked her if she wanted to take some pills with him and she agreed. So, they consented to taking those pills together before engaging in sexual activity.
I'm not going to argue that Mr. Cosby didn't engage in some perverse behavior, but if that statement is true, then he did nothing criminal since the woman consented to taking the pills. And if that was the case with the other women, then there is no crime here. Being a weirdo is not a crime.
I'm not the average black person, so I won't jump on the "newspaper said it, so that n#gga did it" bandwagon and joyfully condemn another black person. Not until all the facts come through and confirm, without a shadow of doubt, that he engaged in rape activity.
What I will say is, Bill Cosby is getting his N#GGA WAKE UP CALL. Cosby has been very loose at the mouth with his condemnations of black people and very tight-lipped about white supremacy. Oh, how ironic that he is getting that work from white supremacy as we speak.