Breaking: Big Cass once again threatens to murder Joey Janela!


Smooth sailing from here on out...
May 14, 2012

Enzo & Cass must have pissed off everybody they talked to in WWE, Pat Buck just got his job & they probably already gave him a raise :dead:

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
By Mike Johnson

A backstage incident with former WWE star Big Cass marred last night’s WrestlePro farewell for owner Pat Buck, who was officially wrestling his last match for the promotion after signing on with World By has confirmed with multiple sources that were present that Cass, who was booked as an unadvertised surprise to appear in a battle royal, was acting “aggressive and erratic” backstage over the course of the evening.

At one point, Cass confronted AEW star Joey Janela in a threatening manner, looking for a physical confrontation, apparently stemming from Janela’s run-in several months back with Enzo Amore at a Blink 182 concert in New Jersey. One source believed Cass slapped Janela, but we were not able to confirm that. The irony over the situation, we are told, is that Cass and Janela had been in the same locker room the night before for Northeast Wrestling and there had been zero issues at all.

Cass was approached by WrestlePro’s Kevin Matthews, who defused the situation for the moment. Cass continued to be loud and belligerent to the point that Dan Maff warned WrestlePro that if Cass wasn’t calmed down, he was going to have to step in and handle the situation himself. Maff is known for being an extreme professional backstage, so that he even intimated he was at the point he wanted to take care of the situation was a huge sign Cass was in the wrong. WrestlePro later had Maff and Janela, who were wrestling on the show, moved to a private room so they could call their match without distraction and to keep Cass separated from them.

However, Cass’ behavior didn’t stop there as he, according to four different sources, made his way through the locker room accusing several of stealing a sweater he owned and began threatening that he was going to “take care” of the entire locker room.

This continued until Cass ended up in a smaller backstage room with AEW stars SCU and Pat Buck, who were in the middle of putting together their main event match for the event. Cass began accusing everyone in the room of stealing his belongings and acting in a threatening manner. He then turned to Buck, who was sitting and said, “What are you going to do, tough guy?” and spit in Buck’s face.

Buck, with no recourse as he was backed against a wall, punched Cass and took him down with that one punch. Buck then grabbed Cass and controlled him on the floor as other wrestlers stormed in and pulled Cass out of the room. We are told that the second Cass was down on the floor, his entire demeanor changed as he went from aggressive and threatening to questioning why he was hit and asking what was going on.

Local police who were in the building (the Rahway police station is next door to the Rahway Rec Center so whenever there is a wrestling show, there are tons of on duty and off duty officers who stop by to visit) were asked to escort Cass from the building. Cass was removed and Buck’s farewell went on as planned. The consensus in the locker room that Cass was completely unprofessional. Some were so angry over the situation that there was a belief that had Cass remained in the locker room, there were several who were willing to physically throw him out(or worse) themselves. was later told by several fans that Cass remained outside the venue after WrestlePro ended and that it appeared local police were searching his car. At one point, Cass sat down on the sidewalk and according to three different fans we heard from (including one who sent the pictured below), began loudly making remarks about himself to the point that concerned authorities called for an ambulance to take Cass to a nearby hospital.

Cass was released from WWE in 2018 after a seven-year run with the company. In December of that year, he collapsed at a House of Hardcore event while walking to his merchandise table during intermission, going into a seizure. Since then, he has admitted going through depression and anxiety issues and has worked towards being sober, including working with Diamond Dallas Page in recovering from his issues.

This sound like it was lifted straight from Chappelle Show with Rick James and Charlie Murphy.

And :mjlol: at Enzo and Cass getting themselves blacklisted from WWE, ROH, and AEW in a 3 month span.

Batter Up

Jun 23, 2012
Ironically, his hero Trump is trying to slash funding for the very same mental health care he desperately needs. :ehh:

He's like those dumbass Mexicans you always see on the news who voted for him then find out their entire family is getting deported.