walt jr is a spoiled bish. If I argued with my parents like he does, I shonuff woulda caught a 2 piece and a leg drop. He needs to at least catch a beatdown
And@ how Sky acted in front of Jessie. ice dat bish Walt
That's just white kids though bruh. Besides Walt Jr gets. A slight pass because of his physical ailment. Taking these things into account I haven't really seen anything that would out him on Skyler levels of audience scorn. skyler truly is a bytch. Flynn is just a teenager dealing with hormones and his physical handicap. Flynn got heart and anytime any if the main characters tries to make excuses for their own bytch-made and hypocritical behavior Flynn is the one who never hesitates to hit them with a dose of Ether....
Hell it can be argued that Walt Jr got more heart than Jessie's continually depressed ass, and Jessie grew up normal in a two parent household