Now look what we have here....
A 2,000-year-old 'lost' city found off the Coast of Africa
Now would you look at that, we can not throwaway the age old myth that Africans from the interior or Africans deep in "Sub Sahara Africa" were isolated from the world. They were not only having established urban areas since antiquity, but were actually trading with the Greece, Persian, Romans and Indians. And were connected to the Indian Ocean trade one of the most important in history.
We already knew this, because of this...
BBC News | AFRICA | Tanzanian dig unearths ancient secret
But we never knew whether or not the city of Rhapta which was talked about by the Greeks themselves EVER existed!

We can also kiss goodbye the myth of the Swahili coast being founded by non-Africans like Arabs or Persians...
This is why I always state that more archaeological work NEEDS to be done in Africa and that Ancient Egypt gets too much archaeological attention. We already know much about Ancient Egypt, meanwhile the rest of the continent is barely touched. I would say only 2% archaeological work is done.
But yeah this changes everything good for us, but bad for the Euronuts.