This time was due to injury, but Summerslam was still the Grand Closing for me
Edit: Dirty Dave last night said the plan was for Balor since around Crown Jewel. Interesting to hear that Brock specifically wanted to work with Finn. Either way, the below still applies.
As much as I like Braun, these gifs had me dying LOL
I can low key believe that Brock wanted to work with Finn. I remember how Heyman used to give Finn his props and put him over when he'd talk about him. Plus, Brock got enough sway that if he didn't want the match, it wouldn't happen.
I asked last night in the RAW thread if Braun's window had closed and a lot folks seem to feel it has. I mean, part of the problem is that they've kind of booked themselves into a corner. The whole "finally get the big win after taking multiple L's" story was always meant for Roman, not Braun. So, whereas the multiple losses to Brock didn't really hurt Roman (because let's face it, we *all* knew he was eventually going over) with Braun each loss had him looking more and more funny in the light (b/c we knew he *wasn't* going over). Even when they tried to make him loose and still keep him somewhat protected (i.e. Corbin interfering) the take away for a lot of fans was "Brock owns Braun" and that ain't good when the whole point of Braun's character is that he's an unstoppable monster.
And it honestly says a lot that the plan for Wrestlemania is supposedly Seth. I feel like if they were all in on Braun, that would be his spot. The fact that it's *allegedly* not, ain't a good sign to me. I think they like him enough for him to be
one of the top guys, but for whatever reason they don't have enough confidence in him to go all in and make him
the top guy.