I never said I studied psychology. Unless you equate taking classes with "studying". When you say studied psychology - I read that to mean extensive study - as in a major at college or extensive independent study.
You really need to stop saying "subconscious" as if the word alone is proof that homosexuality is wrong.
It was wrong of me to ask you to hit up the alleged doctor as you weren't the one to post the video. BUT - if you intend on relying on anything that he says as support of the proposition that homosexuality is wrong - then it is incumbent on you to back up his claims. He certainly doesn't.
People aren't responding, I assume, because they can't come up with one reason why homosexuality is wrong. Maybe they've never actually engaged in a well-reasoned debate.
Also - you never responded to what I said about homosexuality - do you think there is any harm to anyone from it? If so - what is the harm?
I never say it was
i think i answer this a couple of pages back as far as the harm and how it relates to the images being put out there. this is what i meant when i say that cats in here are starting to repeat themselves