How the f*ck does this even classify as Hip Hop?
This thing of ours is in shambles man... what in the f*ck.
No rap doesnt make anything in the black community worse. stop it.
But, This song in the OP SUCKS like crazy. and yall youngins No it sucks. You just have to hold on tight to these type of ABC short bus songs because you dont have too many options nowadays.
The difference between these clowns in the above post rapping about drugs and late 80's early 90's rappers rapping about drugs and street life is this. The old head rappers did it to tell everyone that wasnt from the hood what was going on IN the hood from a gangstas, ddealers, street dude, hood boy's point of view. These new dudes are just rapping about drugs and money to make it seem as if THEY themselves are tough guys with a bunch of drugs and money. Its not to tell any stories to make sure anyone outside of their city knows whats going on in their hood. its about making them look hard and nothing else.
Lastly, This style/flow is so over done its not even funny. how many rappers will yall listen to with the identical same flow? THis is why all yall have now for the most part is ABC short bus rap. if the people buying and playing this music lets this nonsense slide then next thing you know all you have is this kind of trash to play.