Are you boycotting the NFL?

  • Yup

    Votes: 57 75.0%
  • Nah, fukk that and fukk them players

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • No comment

    Votes: 5 6.6%

  • Total voters


All Star
May 25, 2012

Black players are being exploited and the NFL is supporting and is supported by the Police and the Army. Both are enemies of African people. We cannot continue to support white supremacy and our genocide. We have to stop the madness. We have to Unify and shut it down. This is just the start.

The NFL which is run by racist white supremacist don't want Black people united. That is why Kaep is never getting a job because if he was in the NFL all he would be doing is uniting black players towards a common goal...ENDING WHITE SUPREMACY/POLICE BRUTALITY.

So we going to unite and run the NFL out of business! The people make the NFL what it is today. The same people will be the ones to tear it down so we can be 1 step closer to actual freedom. No more getting excited every Sunday to watch Black people get exploited and develop brain damage.

Anybody who shyts on this movement needs to be checked. We are being killed an manipulated by MSM to just keep going on like nothing is happening. This is not normal. Its time to fight back!

Sign the Petition




1. datcrud
2. dontreadthis
3. 10bandz
5. KingMoses
6. Da King
7. the kid
8. GPBear
9. Starboy52
10. ezrathegreat
11. LordLyons
12. Panci99a12
13. Malta
14. King Musa
15. Wenzel Dashington
16. Originalman
17. Conscious Pilot
18. Killacal
19. Mechatronic
20. Detroit Wave
21. Muzikfrk75
22. Easy-E
23. Method Man
24. SparkMcGwire
25. Kotal Kahn
26. Treyganomics
27. Gyasi85
28. Matt504
29. -o3-
30. Schmoove
31. Al-Arsham
32. La Sombra
33. I see broke people
34. Long Live The Kane
35. night
36. Kuts
37. Eruit-Roemello
38. LeVraipapi
39. Makavalli
40. DrX
41. Suikkodenll
42. Father of men
43. Admiral Ackbar
44. chosenaledge13
45. gator_king
46. RdikkemDown
47. Versa
48. Keith Idol
49. DeathOfTheWest
50. Columbo
51. ADK
52. QuintessentialMan
53. SpeaktotheMods
54. ltheghost
55. The Fukin Prophecy
56. Techniec
57. wingzboy
58. NO-BadAzz
59. G-Zeus
60. StillNotSoft
61. Hey_zeus
62. Draje
63. You Win Perfect
64. ReturnOfJudah
65. Wacky D
66. The Dankster
67. Max B
68. Hu3ypdadon
69. frush11
70. Patrick Kane
71. Raw Lyrics
72. god shamgod
73. Mansamunsa
74. Creepn
75. Reaganomics
76. fileman3
77. Millan
78. Caffeine Nicotine
79. GSR
80. osharif82
81. Bimothy Slangwell
82. Loose
83. High Information Militant
84. GzUp
85. Big L Was the Biggest W
86. staticshock
87. daboywonder2002
88. wild100sboy
89. LShedged
90. Kiyoshi-Dono
92. Simonsez201
93. noodles
94. Hiphoplives4eva
95. The Grendel
96. Voodoo Child
97. str8up
98. Yessir_Araphat
99. #1 pick
100. the old mongoose
101. D-NICE
103. hashmander
104. prime
105. CantStop
106. KilaBeatZ
107. Wild Self
108. TooLazyToMakeUp1
109. waltthizzney
110. unique_gentleman
111. At30wecashout
112. Black Bolt
113. OneTimeforTheMind
114. zayk35
115. Gallo
116. Mars
117. iBrowse
118. KnickstapeCity
119. Paradise50
120. DIMES
121. Blackout
122. JACK!
123. brother walt
124. mcellas
125. Pete Wrigley
126. BXKingPin82
127. Hydroking23
128. ArtaXerXes
129. Dad
130. Redguard
131. klientel
132. Nar-el
133. Gizza Mayne
134. smoking with cigarettes
135. richaveli83
136. homiedontplaydat
137. lochead
138. hotbeezie
139. Miami316
140. blalienz
141. No Homo
142. Big dikk
143. malcolmxxx_45
144. Supreme Leader Reinscarf
145. HabitualLineSteppa
146. Aje
147. Blackout
148. gldnon913
149. Anarchy
150. brehcoli
151. yamomzb
152. krackdagawd
153. Reies Tijerina
154. Lifer11
155. Nigerianwonder
156. Corvid
157. AAKing23
158. Broad Street Bully
159. Negan Jenkins
160. King Sun
161. Reality
162. bruistoff
163. FS4LFE
164. pickles
165. Box Cutta
166. Muad'dib
167. CleinB
168. Intruder v3.0
169. Ramsay Bolton
170. levitate
171. Steady B
172. IvanLRhymesWell
173. Brobotic
174. BruceILLRoy
175. Y2Dre
176. bravaDo

All we have to do is NOT watch something. It's only difficult for black people to grasp because they have been socially conditioned to support white supremacy. I believe black people will win out!




The boycott includes streams, video games, and sports betting!

Just post add me when you reply and I will add you.

If you support the NFL you support black genocide.


Some of us already have these products but we will no longer support them. (Microsoft/VISA) May be exceptions...Will have to figure that one out with your help!



El Poyo Loco

Akrassikauda = Black Scorpion
Jul 24, 2015
The 5 Boroughs
Sign up

Michael Wood Jr.

Police Management Expert/Scholar
Aug 14
USMC Veterans Call for NFL Ban
We’ve loved the game of football for as long as can be remembered.


Michael Wood Jr.
President Veterans Stand — USMC Sergeant 0351 ‘97–01 FAST
What we do not love is these allegations on the character of the NFL. There are plenty of individuals in the NFL who say and do ridiculous things, of course, but those are just bad apples. For instance, it’s an insult to anyone with football knowledge when Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll states that Colin Kaepernick deserves to be a starter in the league (a top 32 quarterback), but not good enough to be the backup on his team. Seattle, a team with a similar style starter, Russell Wilson, making Kaepernick ideal.

There are 32 teams in the NFL, each with at least 2 quarterbacks and Pete Carroll’s career depends on winning as many games as possible. So Pete’s argument is that the Seattle Seahawks will be in a better position to win by NOT having two top 32 quarterbacks, but rather one top 32 quarterback, backed up by some dude nowhere close to that, is nonsensical. Additionally, we seem to remember Aaron Rodgers backing up Favre, Tom Brady backing up Bledsoe, and interestingly, Colin Kaepernick backing up Smith and then leading the 49ers to the Super Bowl, but anyway…


A bunch of articles have been written critical of the NFL over their treatment of Kaepernick, but an additional odd subject was the intro music. The NFL and ESPN are bringing back Hank Williams Jr, a man well known for racist rants, and whose previous introduction performance the NFL & ESPN pulled from the Monday Night Football broadcast in 2011 because he compared then President Obama to Hitler. In 2017, it is hard to just move past that without pause.


As for ESPN’s part, there are some other odd collusions with the NFL. ESPN is the same television network that, just weeks before the release date, pulled its support for the League of Denial documentary. The film exposes the NFL’s complicity in knowingly downplaying the seriousness of concussions and head trauma. The documentary reveals that Commissioner Paul Tagliabue actively corrupted scientific literature by funding a bogus research group, the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury committee, to publish research hiding the brain injuries caused by playing football.


Modern studies have forced the NFL to file documents in federal court showing that they expect nearly a third of all retired players to develop some form of long-term cognitive problems — such as Alzheimer’s or Dementia — in their lifetime as a result of head injuries suffered on the field.

The NFL didn’t care one bit about the human beings, the players and their families who paid the price until forced to do so by a court settlement. The plaintiffs in these settlements and countless others who have suffered similarly are mourned by the families who love them:

#JovanBelcher #ForrestBlue #LewCarpenter #LouCreekmur #ShaneDronett #DaveDuerson #RayEasterling #FrankGifford #CookieGilchrist #JohnGrimsley #ChrisHenry #TerryLong #RobLytle
#JohnMackey #OllieMatson #TomMcHale #EarlMorrall #AdrianRobinson #JuniorSeau #TylerSash #KenStabler #BubbaSmith #JustinStrzelczyk #MosiTatupu #KevinTurner #AndreWaters #MikeWebster #RalphWenzel
Our first look at the data reveals a similar pattern of cover-ups and denials, despite irrefutable evidence. In 2015, 182 concussions were reported during the regular season; whether due to increased awareness or increased occurrence, this figure reflected a greater than 50% increase over 2014. And it took until 2016 for the NFL to admit that there was a correlation between head trauma and traumatic brain injuries.

This lack of concern for the well-being of people and reluctance to address the facts, despite a public rhetoric of compassion, is something that veterans know all too well. The NFL’s denial of the long-term neurological effects of repeated head trauma reminds us of how the US Government denies the severity and refuses access to treatment for cumulative traumatic brain injuries for service personnel. These denials and refusals represent just the latest episode in the federal government’s storied history of treating soldiers like athletes of death, mere bodies performing a service of spectacle for the elite to be discarded when that service is deemed no longer useful.

And when the game is over, the NFL refuses to be held accountable, just like our government refuses to accept responsibility. Example: 22 veterans from the Spokane area succumbed to the internal war of trauma and committed suicide in one twelve month period. 15 of those veterans were in the VA system — but not being treated.

Like the football players who have been used and discarded by the system, the names of our veterans who have been thrown away have been reflected in tears and condolences for your neighbors, coworkers, and friends. Those tears staining the photo of their child in a uniform that previously evoked pride. The trauma is not limited to the victim, it extends to all of humanity in a far reaching ripple effect. Maybe the whole point of the government denial, media blackouts, lack of funding, and so forth, is to insulate the rest of us from the reality of what’s being done in our name and what happens to veterans home and abroad. Just reading the stories from parents and loved ones while researching, has left a dark cloud hanging over me that still remains.

#EduardoBojorquez #RayBurnside #HoldenScottCorzine #EdwinFuentes #CurtisGearhart #JacobGeorge #AmonGift #AnthonyHill #ClayHunt #JustinHunt #JamesJennings #ShawnJensen #UfranoRiosJimenez #BrandonKetchum #ChrisKyle #MichelleLanghorst #JeffLucey #JanosVictorLutz #JoshuaMarkel #RichardMcShan #BrandonMeyers #JamesMorris #NoahPierce #EddieRayRouth #EliasReyesJr #MarinnaRollins #JustinRopke #JerrySerrato #IsaacSims #DanielSomers #PatTillman #ChristopherStewart #DanielWolfe #ThomasYoung #RyanYurchison

In discussions with us, Gay Culverhouse, the former President of Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Founder of the Gay Culverhouse Players Outreach Program, noted the comparison between service military members and football players, stating that:

The symptoms related to head trauma experienced by veterans of both the NFL and the Armed Services are identical. WE need to support these injured warriors as they reabsorb back into society, and look into how we can prevent this issue from repeating itself.
Part of that prevention is the NFL being accountable. The NFL doesn’t just bear responsibility for the long-term brain damage and early deaths of its players — the NFL also plays a critical role in driving policies that lead to the loss of life and long-term physical, mental and emotional damage done to the nation’s soldiers.

As the VA has reported:

In Fiscal Year 2011, 476,515 Veterans with primary or secondary diagnosis of PTSD received treatment at Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers and clinics.
What many football fans may not know is that the NFL is paid to help put a positive face on all that suffering and those vets’ deaths. Those planes fly overhead and cannons salute to glorify the casualties of our children, friends, sisters, fathers, mothers…and all of it paid for by the United States Government.


The general narrative that has been built around the Kaepernick controversy would have us believe that his exercise of free speech to protest American inequality by kneeling down silently during the National Anthem was in conflict with the NFL’s inherently patriotic nature and support for our Armed Forces. This is a lie that Kaepernick has exposed many times himself. The NFL’s staged patriotic displays are paid for with millions of dollars from the Department of Defense.

Yes, the NFL is PAID to play patriotic; unless patriotic is defined as honoring the lives of the veterans, Kaepernick was drawing attention to; those who lost their lives to police brutality after returning to the states. Veterans like India Kager, Walter Scott, Kenneth Chamberlain, Mark Salazar, James Brown, Parminder Singh Shergil, Stanley Gibson and many more. 29 veterans were killed by police in 2015 and at least 8 of them were diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Colin Kaepernick: We certainly thank you for speaking up for those veterans.

All by itself, the National Guard spent $49.1 million on professional sports sponsorships in 2014. These programs are given names such as the “True Patriot” program that pretends to “honor” the veterans but are really just live action advertisement spots. This exploitation of our service as a recruitment program that helps mask the horrors of veteran treatment sheds light on the reality of how much value is placed in the lives of veterans and that should change our perspective.

Did the NFL and Department of Defense not care at all how the actual veterans felt about their exploitation of service members? Did anyone even bother to ask veterans how they feel about Kaepernick kneeling? After all, it did not take an in depth explanation for 35% of military veterans to say they believe anthem protests like Kaepernick’s are not disrespectful, according to an HBO RealSports Marist Poll and as evidenced by Twitter hashtags like #VeteransforKaepernick.

Knowing the staged manipulation, how does this feel now?

Feels like nostalgia, right? Seems like the good ‘ol days. But we’ve been duped. NFL players did not regularly appear on field for the national anthem until the late 2000s. After choosing a life in service, it is being used as a stage prop when:

The Jets needed to be paid to honor their hometown troops;
The Seahawks needed to be paid to allow a pregame re-enlistment ceremony;
The Falcons needed 879 thousand dollars to hold military appreciation ceremonies;


In 2014, the NFL brought in $9 billion in gross revenue;
And spent $44 million on Roger Goodell’s salary;
$26 million to the NFL’s Executive Vice President for Media;
$8 million to General Counsel Jeff Pash;
$16 million in legal fees;
And $1.2 million for their top lobbyist.


Roger Goodell
Yeah, that’s a ton of money, and maybe we shouldn’t be surprised. From 1966 to 2015, the NFL was a tax-exempt organization until the public pressure became too much and did not pay a penny in taxes while the cost of going to a game has skyrocketed for the rest of us.

But it is worse than just that because the Department of Defense then puts the taxes you paid to the federal government into the pockets of the NFL, all to promote the kind of pro-war propaganda that results in devastated communities and people like us being killed or being tormented by the experience of war. An agony that results in 7 thousand veteran suicides every year, when all we want is peace.
