But this is OK?
These CAC's will break their fukking necks to put a Black man in jail.
Question: do u eat meat? (Beef, pork, chicken,lamb)
These CAC's will break their fukking necks to put a Black man in jail.
There's a strong correlation between animal cruelty, and psychopathic behavior. If y'all think this type of behavior should go unpunished, you need to ask yourself what type of society you want to live in.
http://books.google.com/books?id=qIedlXtHTO8C&pg=PR13&lpg=PR13&dq=connection between animal abuse and psychopaths&source=bl&ots=WqGLooP3zQ&sig=mmwhwGdTcteyVWLKbOX3TsoWUJE&hl=en&sa=X&ei=20IWUrTxJs3D4AOjkoHwDA&ved=0CDEQ6AEwATgK#v=onepage&q=connection between animal abuse and psychopaths&f=false
These CAC's will break their fukking necks to put a Black man in jail.
nikkas be kicking cats and recording it like a dumbass
I dont want to hear any spins on this. Kicking a cat unprovoked is wrong no matter what. Now the punishment (if it even deserves one) could be a case of contention...but the act is despicable.