“Both Sides” Is A Valid Argument

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
I mean yeah? Did you let your teen daughter use your account when she figured out the obvious and wanted to vent?


it’s wild but we can’t even fault the breh for realizing it at his pace. For some cats the bewilderment of “discovering” something we’ve all know since forever can be :ohhh:but then infuriating when you realize it ties into a system that runs every second of your life from day one to death.


Jun 23, 2012
chitown, Sohh Icey towers, LWO


Jul 25, 2018
-Think racism doesn't exist unless its racism against white men
-Want to ban all DEI programs
-Want to take slavery education out of school
-Want to raise retirement age
-Self admitted pro corperation and anti-worker
-Raise taxes on middle class in exchange for tax cuts for big business
-Against legalizing Marijuana

-Haven't given all black people 1 million dollars and 100 acres of land

Add on OP on what makes the Dems the same as republicans @I Really Mean It

And it's sad, only on thecoli, where apparently folks just can't get their minds off of gay sex, do we have to pretend like a political party being inclusive of gay rights is somehow an equal affront to black rights as direct attempts to hurt our rights by law. It's like nikkas are almost eager for any distraction. To keep us from fighting directly against white supremacy.


Jul 25, 2018
And both sides is not a good argument.

Both parties want to protect capitalism, our core economic system. Both parties want to protect "Western" national interest and global domination, certainly. Both parties want to collect and spend your tax dollars.

However both parties have COMPLETELY different and opposing philosophies about how to protect capitalism, how to maintain dominance on the world stage, and how the government will spend its money.

Liberals believe capitalism and our economy is strengthenes by a protected strong middle class and a regulated upper class that levels the playing field. Conservatives believe a deregulated capitalist class with little tax burden and freedom to do whatever it feels is best, wirh a desperate working class that has no protection is what makes capitalism strong

Liberals believe government spending should go largely to middle class social programs that benefits all. Conservatives believe government spendingnshould go largely towards tax cuts for the rich, police, and military.

Conservatives believes being bounded by traditional social hierarchies keeps us abd our exonomy strong. Liberals don't and want to extend policies that expands social and economic mobility to all.

These are core right-left philosophies about government that date centuries. It's not a joke. These are real people with real philosophies and interest in how government should function, and not all of them, regardless of race or self-interest, believe in authoritarian, nationalistic government from a philosophical standpoint.


Jul 25, 2018
Yes but both sides in theory should be about both political parties only agenda being themselves. Neither party truly has our interest.

Unfortunately you have a bunch of posters who aren’t truthful & lump anybody not rocking all blue into the MAGA/Republic lol

This is one of the reasons political convos on here don’t go far. Let’s do a better job of shytting on all posters who are overly Dem/Repub/MAGA.

"Both sides" are literally dependant on delivering or defending legislation for their constituents or we get em out. They work for us and they will do the job. A bunch of slick pro-Trump nikkas just made shyt like "reparations" as some golden standard and left the rest to "shytting on Dems." Both sides ain't the same, and Dems are doing shyt. yall just hold the left wing party to this astronomical standard you'd never expect of the right wing party. And yall hold them to these standards to the point you become out of touch with how government and law works, completely put of touch with the bigger consequences, and become blind, passive Republican Party hacks.

And the reason people here get called out as MAGA is because yall will often rely on tired shallow and untruthful right wing talking points like "Dems want open borders" while ignoring facts. These are folks who only pop up in threads critical of Trump and Republicans to run interference and deflect to Joe Biden. Republicans can lead an all out assault on black civil rights and you'll still see these "fukk Dems" "both sides" types desperately misleading people's anger to Joe Biden and Dems. They can strike down a law that largely benefits black people and these stalwarts of "black peoples interest" will say "well it should've been exclusive to African Americans. The Republicans wouldn't have done anything if it were only for descendants of slaves." Totally delusional and clearly scared to take on their obvious political bias. Only using "pro-blackness" as something to weaponize against the party you really hate.

When you can have such a selective view on what it means to serve and protect our political interests that its only limited to "shytting on Dems"--you have more protest in you towards the party that cant pass reparations on your demand tha the party that wants to make thay illegal--yeah, you're a MAGA shill c00n whether you know what you're doing or not. Both siders bring NOTHING useful to political discourse other than a bunch of "fukk Dems" Republican Party apologist dikk riding.
Oct 22, 2017
"Both sides" are literally dependant on delivering or defending legislation for their constituents or we get em out. They work for us and they will do the job. A bunch of slick pro-Trump nikkas just made shyt like "reparations" as some golden standard and left the rest to "shytting on Dems." Both sides ain't the same, and Dems are doing shyt. yall just hold the left wing party to this astronomical standard you'd never expect of the right wing party. And yall hold them to these standards to the point you become out of touch with how government and law works, completely put of touch with the bigger consequences, and become blind, passive Republican Party hacks.

And the reason people here get called out as MAGA is because yall will often rely on tired shallow and untruthful right wing talking points like "Dems want open borders" while ignoring facts. These are folks who only pop up in threads critical of Trump and Republicans to run interference and deflect to Joe Biden. Republicans can lead an all out assault on black civil rights and you'll still see these "fukk Dems" "both sides" types desperately misleading people's anger to Joe Biden and Dems. They can strike down a law that largely benefits black people and these stalwarts of "black peoples interest" will say "well it should've been exclusive to African Americans. The Republicans wouldn't have done anything if it were only for descendants of slaves." Totally delusional and clearly scared to take on their obvious political bias. Only using "pro-blackness" as something to weaponize against the party you really hate.

When you can have such a selective view on what it means to serve and protect our political interests that its only limited to "shytting on Dems"--you have more protest in you towards the party that cant pass reparations on your demand tha the party that wants to make thay illegal--yeah, you're a MAGA shill c00n whether you know what you're doing or not. Both siders bring NOTHING useful to political discourse other than a bunch of "fukk Dems" Republican Party apologist dikk riding.
:mjlol: at me being “out of touch with how government and law works”

The God Poster

LWO representa
May 1, 2012
"Both sides" are literally dependant on delivering or defending legislation for their constituents or we get em out. They work for us and they will do the job. A bunch of slick pro-Trump nikkas just made shyt like "reparations" as some golden standard and left the rest to "shytting on Dems." Both sides ain't the same, and Dems are doing shyt. yall just hold the left wing party to this astronomical standard you'd never expect of the right wing party. And yall hold them to these standards to the point you become out of touch with how government and law works, completely put of touch with the bigger consequences, and become blind, passive Republican Party hacks.

And the reason people here get called out as MAGA is because yall will often rely on tired shallow and untruthful right wing talking points like "Dems want open borders" while ignoring facts. These are folks who only pop up in threads critical of Trump and Republicans to run interference and deflect to Joe Biden. Republicans can lead an all out assault on black civil rights and you'll still see these "fukk Dems" "both sides" types desperately misleading people's anger to Joe Biden and Dems. They can strike down a law that largely benefits black people and these stalwarts of "black peoples interest" will say "well it should've been exclusive to African Americans. The Republicans wouldn't have done anything if it were only for descendants of slaves." Totally delusional and clearly scared to take on their obvious political bias. Only using "pro-blackness" as something to weaponize against the party you really hate.

When you can have such a selective view on what it means to serve and protect our political interests that its only limited to "shytting on Dems"--you have more protest in you towards the party that cant pass reparations on your demand tha the party that wants to make thay illegal--yeah, you're a MAGA shill c00n whether you know what you're doing or not. Both siders bring NOTHING useful to political discourse other than a bunch of "fukk Dems" Republican Party apologist dikk riding.
Again you’re missing the point. Both sides should be about not treating either side like they are our friends or allies. Work in our favor or feet to fire

My problem with your post is the continued grouping both siders because we aren’t Dem shills. Call out the MAGA/Repub fools & keep it moving

Ain’t nothing cool about dragging your feet & now want to make promises come election time. But if I call you out I’m the problem. Dems absolutely get a lot more done than republicans I absolutely agree.

However that shouldn’t mean I have to consistently look the other way cuz you throwing me scraps. What part of the game is that? Too many black posters align with a party more than skinfolk & that’s a dangerous slope
Oct 22, 2017
all democrats give you is a nicer, more inviting aesthetic of white supremacy.

the democratic party is purely a cosmetic adjustment to the same systemic abuse that black people have been subject to for time immemorial.

i am actually fascinated, amused and saddened by the number of black people who are unable to see this inescapable fact of life.

the most soft spoken, liberal democrat will turn into an inveterate racist at the slightest hint of a true challenge to their white privilege.


Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
I'm pretty sure both sides is not a valid argument when one party is fine with overturning elections & overthrowing Democracy and the other party isn't.

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
So what do you suggest @I Really Mean It ? If both sides are the same and things are hopeless, what do you propose as a solution to be implemented in our lifetime?

I just don’t see the point in beating this dead and incorrect horse without at least an idea of what can be done to correct the problem.

If all is lost and we’re just mindless worker bees playing a rigged game, why should we even care at that point?

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
BoThSiDeS iS A vAlId ArGuMeNt

Says this guy:

It’s crazy that Trump, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Jordan Petersen and other conservative/alt-right personalities make so much more sense to me than these liberals. We really need to reconsider our allegiances.


fukk the Democratic party.

Trump all the way.

So many black people don't realize Biden & Harris is far WORSE than Trump & Pence.
@ORDER_66 dapped this one :ohhh:
Oct 22, 2017
So what do you suggest @I Really Mean It ? If both sides are the same and things are hopeless, what do you propose as a solution to be implemented in our lifetime?

I just don’t see the point in beating this dead and incorrect horse without at least an idea of what can be done to correct the problem.

If all is lost and we’re just mindless worker bees playing a rigged game, why should we even care at that point?
i think black people must start looking at our struggle through a strategic and tactical lens, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of allowing this current cycle of unrequited support of democrats to continue, determining if we’re truly preventing the gravest harm to our community by supporting the democrats and ensuring that republicans don’t hold office.

and, no, i don’t support republicans. i think they’re the embodiment of pure evil, an odious stain on anything decent about this country. but, i still remain unconvinced that constantly lending our support to democrats is anything more than a placebo that has left us feeling decades of relief that we’re no longer hanging from trees in large numbers.

marx said no change comes without revolutionary struggle. he did not believe it was possible, referencing all historical instances of change.

was he wrong?

is it possible to reform a white supremacist system? i have doubts.


Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
i think black people must start looking at our struggle through a strategic and tactical lens, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of allowing this current cycle of unrequited support of democrats to continue, determining if we’re truly preventing the gravest harm to our community by supporting the democrats and ensuring that republicans don’t hold office.

and, no, i don’t support republicans. i think they’re the embodiment of pure evil, an odious stain on anything decent about this country. but, i still remain unconvinced that constantly lending our support to democrats is anything more than a placebo that has left us feeling decades of relief that we’re no longer hanging from trees in large numbers.

marx said no change comes without revolutionary struggle. he did not believe it was possible, referencing all historical instances of change.

was he wrong?

is it possible to reform a white supremacist system? i have doubts.

What you’re suggesting will never happen.

The President's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Department of Defense

On March 11, 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration submitted to Congress a proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 budget request of $849.8 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD), consistent with the caps approved by Congress under the Financial Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2023.

So what’s your other idea?