Booster Boyz check in

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Working at a school I've been at or near the front of the line for all three shots. My life has been exactly the same as it's always been before and after getting them. If you're on the fence on getting any of the shots, I'd highly recommend going for it. Scientists from all over the world have come together to create this for us and it's backed by the independent medical journal reviews of tens of thousands of medical professionals. If there was something nefarious going on, it would have been documented in one of these sources by now, not by some hack hack on a dark corner youtube channel. The benefits far outweigh the hypothetical risks, as I personally know plenty of long haulers when it comes to lingering covid symptoms from when they caught it vs some short term side effects that the shot has given people. Plus if someone is vaccinated and has a breakthrough case and becomes contagious, it's been proven that the virus they pass to others is a severally weakened variant. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for others in your community. It's the right thing to do. Plus, it's disrespectful and an absolutely unsustainable idea to expect our healthcare workers to keep bearing the brunt of those that are unwilling to take preventative measures to ensure there are hospital beds available for those that need them, not just covid patients.

Breakthrough infections might not be a big transmission risk. Here's the evidence

This virus is serious and folks keep oversimplifying it just because they refuse to grasp its severity for whatever reason. Always follow the money, if this was a simple flu variant, do you think the powers that be would be risking their careers and world economy over it? And while I hate big pharma, these companies are established names that would not dare risk their reputations over some fukkshyt as they have their hands in as there's plenty of other things that were bringing them in oodles of money before this pandemic. Yes, lots of people are profiting off this, but that's how capitalism works when there's a disaster, but there was no threat to rampant consumerism prior to this either.

FWIW, not to brag, but irl I'm known as one of the most fearless people that lots of people know, to the point of stupidity even lol. Trust me, I take a lot of risks with my personal health and safety and have plenty of scars to prove it. However, I'll be damned if I play with the prospect of having lingering headaches, shortness of breath, brain fog and losing my taste and smell for the rest of my life. I already hate being sick with a mild cold as it is.
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Ya Sinning Mane

Feb 27, 2017
Its a message board fukk outta here who gives a fukk
if u can’t see the sarcasm in the post that’s on u.

i said distasteful brother for goodness sake

u need a bron troll smiley to

I know who I’m talking to.I’m just playing wit the breh

Now fukk off my dikk and read my signature fakkit


In Sauce We Trust!
May 1, 2012
Big Gete Star
if u can’t see the sarcasm in the post that’s on u.

i said distasteful brother for goodness sake

u need a bron troll smiley to

I know who I’m talking to.I’m just playing wit the breh

Now fukk off my dikk and read my signature fakkit
Sarcasm, shut the fukk up your herb. Go shove popsicle up your ass and have a laugh.