The thread title is conflicting. Are we purpously trying to ruin the company?
Most of my bias would have made the company better
Macho Man wouldve beaten Hogan at Wrestlemania.
Ted Dibiase wouldve had a significant. World title run amd make him a nasty heel that you wanted to see lose
But they were both over. So the conpany still wouldve been fine
Im thinking too hard on this.. Or the thread just sucks
Most of my bias would have made the company better

Macho Man wouldve beaten Hogan at Wrestlemania.
Ted Dibiase wouldve had a significant. World title run amd make him a nasty heel that you wanted to see lose
But they were both over. So the conpany still wouldve been fine
Im thinking too hard on this.. Or the thread just sucks