Booker T says Naomi does not DESERVE BETTER, Sasha Banks responds to the C00nery

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
I noticed that Alexa seemed like she had never been in a wrestling ring before in that match.

She was absolute dog shyt.

That has been the case the majority of her career, so I’m not even sure what the point of his post was. Her best match is when Sasha completely walked her through a match from bell to bell, and one with Bayley simply because it was just Alexa hitting her with the kendo stick for eight minutes

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

Booker T Responds To Criticism After Giving Naomi Feedback

Booker T doubles down and say “fukk you Coli, the Truth Hurts, PULL UP!!“


BookerT said:
Every young person that has come my way, if they can’t say Booker T tried to help them, they’re lying. I’m going to tell you that right now. I don’t know one and I’m going to tell you what, there’s a whole lot that can vouch for me and you know what? My opinion do count because y’all listening to it right now, you know what I’m saying. And that’s the bottom line to that right there because you know what? That’s real talk as far as I go. It’s real talk. It’s not anything sugar-coated. It’s not anything overlayed or anything like that, I’m gonna bring it to you straight, I’m gonna tell you straight up like it is and hopefully get something out of it and be able take it to the next level.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I don’t disagree with booker T. Let’s be honest if Naomi was a white fork with a white girl ass y’all wouldn’t give a damn about her

I think I’m regards to her doing stupid karyoke segments then yea she deserves better than that. They all do. It let’s not act like she is Sasha banks or Bianca belair in the ring. Those two deserve more, Naomi is alright in ring at best and doesn’t really have a gimmick. Booker is saying what has she done to get herself over?

for the record I don’t. Like Alexa bliss or charelotte either but that doesn’t mean Naomi should be champ just cause she black and got a fat ass.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Naomi has gotten herself over numerous times just by being herself, being athletic in the ring, and having the Black Girl Magic vibe about her. It’s WWE that continues to ignore that, not her fault, it’s similar to the same way Rusev got himself over and they ignored that. Also, no one is saying she’s on the level of Sasha Banks in the ring, she’s one of best in the entire world, Bianca is a futur...should be a future star in the making but you know WWE could fukk that up too. Like I said though, there have been white girls with equal or lesser talent that have been promoted more than her and have gotten more opportunities than her.
Yes Alexa bliss and the like are not as good as she has been pushed. I agree, I’m just saying for booker to say that you shouldn’t get a title shot because you had a trending moment is not outrageous. I’m tired of people on here trying to shyt on and cancel every black person that doesn’t agree with them. He stated his opinion on his podcast, it his opinion but that doesn’t mean he’s a c00n or shouldn’t be taken seriously. We shouldn’t shyt on one black persons to prop up the other. The real problem is Vince and not booker T


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
But she’s not, so that’s a totally irrelevant post. And if you actually read any of the replies in here, no one is saying “she should be champ just cause she is black and got a fat ass”. Some of you dumbass clowns should actually read stuff before making posts, so you won’t expose to everybody how stupid you are.
booker t said she shouldn’t get a title shot for trending for a minute. Y’all made a whole thread about it saying he is a c00n. I’m saying he’s not wrong and he shouldn’t be called a c00n for stating his opinion on his podcast. I’m saying y’all be trying to cancel every one y’all don’t agree with. All I’m saying is booker is not wrong.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
Booker received blowback from said channels when he expressed hashtag movements on the Internet won’t do the talented competitor any favors. Instead, for one to really acquire their stardom, they have to do so by earning it on their own merit. Booker didn’t shy away from those comments on the latest episode of The Hall Of Fame with co-host Brad Gilmore.

“I said to hell with all of these hashtags. That’s what I said,” Booker T states. “Maybe because I am old school and I can’t see myself, back in the day, we did have the dirt sheets and could have easily got in the dirt sheets by saying something. I just couldn’t see myself using social media on that platform to try to move up in the business and especially if you’re talented.”

“I said Naomi is probably the most athletic female in the locker room and perhaps anywhere in the world as far as the wrestling business goes, but as far as making it to the level, it is channels you gotta go through, it is a learning curve and really in-depth studying you have to go through to actually get to that point. Trust me, it doesn’t happen by accident just because you can go out and do a back flip or a big move. It’s not about the moves guys! It’s really not. I always think about what was told of me by guys like Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboats and that stuff it resonated,” he said.

“Anybody out in the world that’s trying to get into this business, if you think someone like Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat cannot help you learn this business better, even still today, okay. That’s your opinion.”

Booker also cites legendary NBA coaches like Pat Riley and Gregg Popovich as individuals who had plenty of experience on the basketball court despite not being a top player, but they were around the guys on the court. They knew what it took to get to that level.

“I’m gonna end it on this,” Booker said, “If you think I can’t help you at all and that’s all I’m trying to do is help you get to the next level. You think the guys on the Internet, on social media can help you more than I do, go that route. I’m gonna leave it at that.”

Gilmore adds that he thought it was weird to see some of the reaction because he thinks everything Booker said wasn’t said with ill intent. Booker states that his primary criticism about it all was just it going through the social media channels.

“You know what it is, man? The truth hurts. The only thing I said more importantly than anything, the hashtag, the social media platform like ‘let’s rally behind this cause’ – you know what, man? The reason I say that, is I think she’s better than that. That’s why and if you don’t see that, I can’t do anything about that, but I just don’t think that’s the route one would want to take and get to that level and then look back and say, ‘Man, the movement was great,’ as opposed to ‘Damn it, I broke all barriers and I did everything I possibly could to do it and if I didn’t do it, hey, so be it,’ but I’m not fitting to get on social media and let social media be what drives me to be the best one in that locker room, male or female.”