All Star
I didnt say illmatic was catchy. You brought up illmatic snd now giving me a history lesson for some reason. Im aware of hipsters and illmatic i agree.Illmatic had 10 songs(9 full songs) and 5 total hooks on the album. There isn't a hook on the entire Illmatic album as catchy as "can't wait'. Obviously Ilmatic is better than Darez, but let's be serious. Nothing on Illmatic was "catchy". The album finally went platinum after 9 years. That album was for the purists. The hipsters finally caught on to it and constantly remind us, who actually bought it 30 years ago when they were ignoring it, how great it is hahaa. Imagine that.
But I said its catchier than dare iz a darkside. Not that illmatic is the champion of that. nas is more poetic and smooth than reggie is. Redman is abrasive and erratic. Plus the beats are better on illmatic.
It just bores me overall today versus a lot of the other albums of the era which were good but i dont go back to anymore.
smif n wessun, redman, jeru type albums
Then biggie, meth, nas types
I go for the latter most of the time with the former getting less frequent listens. Theyre classics but i dont love everything about them. a regulr dope rap album of the era but my least fav redman album of the era. Nothing more or less.Cant wait is one of 3 i check on it, and my fav one.
That style dont work for red for me. I like him with more upbeat production than darker mid range slower stuff. If ya gon do that, mix it up more. Alotnof the beats sound the same on here and nothing better than any other album of the time and stuff dont pop and becomes a chore to listen to for me. Nothing spectacular.
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