I took 50% ($175) L on $STWC
I'm holding this L on $GTEH

Close to 70% L ($650)
Stocks only go up tho!!!!

I'm down 75% on GTEH. Of course I only spent 25 bucks on it so thats nothing really. Got a bunch of stocks with low cost basis like that, that its not even worth tripping over the loss cuz whats 6 bucks gonna do for me now? My biggest bags are BBRW and TLSS

, plus OPTI which of course you know how hopeful I am on that. CLIS, ZOM and TOMZ that
@Eric Brooks recommended last week. Everything else I've spent less than $100 on. Most are less than $25. I spent $4.05 on that STWC one. Right now its worth 7.65. I only got 4500 shares cuz my Fidelity roth i have it in doesn't let me buy more than 5000 shares of pennies. So if I lose $4 it is what it is, but if it reaches even 50 cents thats $2250, an easy double up on that account. Just not worth stressing for that cost. I was looking thru my funds on the IRA and pretty much everything still in the green and nothing is over 5% or even 4% loss for the day. Even my M1 with all blue chip stocks isn't looking too bad. I think SHOP is my biggest loser today at 3%. Not in panic mode yet.