Down over 25% 

RIP NFLX holders
FB taking a fat L next week too
Facebook owns IG so I don’t think it makes a difference. They all have their own lane so I think they’ll all be okFB should be okay in the long run though, no? Having followers is like having currency. Twitter and Tik Tok cut into Instagram's numbers, but Instagram is still mega popular, isn't it?
Yea, that's what I was getting at.Facebook owns IG so I don’t think it makes a difference. They all have their own lane so I think they’ll all be ok
I think they’re banking on cracking down to subscription sharing leading to more subs and more revenue. I also read they lost a lot of subscribers in Europe and of course the mess in Russia didn’t help eitherYea, that's what I was getting at.
@Scholar said that Facebook is taking a fat L next week, but they'll likely recover. I'm not really sure of Netflix's bounce back capability though.
crazy when you look at it like thatMannnn i just can’t bring myself to cop common stock after a year of option trading.. nikkas holding Netflix shares from 2018 are
Basic buying call and put? Or spreads, diagonal, etc?Mannnn i just can’t bring myself to cop common stock after a year of option trading.. nikkas holding Netflix shares from 2018 are
Netflix has reached market saturation. That doesn't bode well for Warner Discovery, Disney, Paramount, and Comcast. It shows the ceiling they're all likely to hit on sub counts before growing even further becomes difficult. Amazon won't have those issues because Prime is more than streaming.Netflix numbers in Europe are propably down due to other services launching over here too. Disney+, Prime Video and HBOMax all launched over here in the past two years, twelve months if we leave out Disney. They took away content from Netflix and people don't like to pay for multiple streaming services like that.
Opened the app and 70% of what they’re promoting is reality tv when the only reality shows I’ve ever watched on there is great British baking show…I don’t need to subscribe to a app full of foreign shyt and reality trashproduct is trash and overpriced, fukk em
Basic buying call and put? Or spreads, diagonal, etc?
It’s competition and then inflation and just the mere fact that at some point growth will slow downtheir global net subscribers missed big time. also EU subscribers cancelling their service went up. i'm watching TD ameritrade live and they mentioned it. seems like inflation was the cause of the spending cut.