So yesterday afternoon was a pump fake![]()

So yesterday afternoon was a pump fake![]()
Think I might have found the sweet spot for these options.
buy 1 week out.
hell no that’s too close for me. I like monthlies and leaps for blue chips.
Yeah I'm not talking about blue chips. I'm talking about these pump and dumps.
Think I might have found the sweet spot for these options.
buy 1 week out.
- You wait for the Day opposite the direction you believe. Example, you waited today for Apple to have red day and buy a call 1 week out?
Right now I'm trying to buy between Wednesday and Friday the week before expiration. Stocks that have a trend of a lot of volatility. 2-3 days of gains then a turnaround, a day or 2 of dipping then gains. Might hold it for a day or 3-4 depending on the situation. Might even add some after a day or two if there are better prices.
Buying a stock Thursday that expires next week is cutting it close though. Plus that Monday IV crush if the stock doesn't go your way can be a motha.
I'd rather play it both ways. ITM in the OPPOSITE direction of where the stock is going (red/green day) and then a lottery of the current direction.
The key for me is to "trap" the stock into paying me no matter what it does.