nice green day today. So with that... i bought puts on ipoe. @mr. smoke weed @Rickdogg44 y'all down?
nice green day today. So with that... i bought puts on ipoe. @mr. smoke weed @Rickdogg44 y'all down?
tempting... not sure if this is return of the growth/spacs ... but i get what you are saying after the merger it will probably drop. The premium on the $20 put was like $5
NOG is funny aint it? Goes up above 17.30, then traces back to 17.30 on the dot intraday, then goes back upAnotheer killer day for rblx.
bmy above 67.50 is good. tight stops
nog above 17.30 is good tight stops
6/18 $15p for .75 at 7:31am brehnice green day today. So with that... i bought puts on ipoe. @mr. smoke weed @Rickdogg44 y'all down?
What DTE? Nah... I have notyeah i spent $500 on one of them. u bought?
Damn sos that cheap?6/18 $15p for .75 at 7:31am breh
Got two SOS 1/21/22 $3c today for like $80 each
Two IP 6/18 67.50c
Channeling my money to crypto. ETH and LTC are both in obvious head and shoulder patterns, get in before you can't
Google can do so much more if they wanted toGoogle's market cap is walking down Amazon's. $1.6T (GOOG) vs $1.64T (AMZN)