Domingo Halliburton
Handmade in USA
My gawd the dives this morning wth is going on
bad earnings from big companies and bad durable goods report
My gawd the dives this morning wth is going on
I want to get into the market game, I keep saying it but I think its about time. How much should i look to start out with and whats a good company to start of trying to buy and trade stocks?
I want to get into the market game, I keep saying it but I think its about time. How much should i look to start out with and whats a good company to start of trying to buy and trade stocks?
Sharebuilder offers the cheapest trade fee at 6.95 per.
I'd say tech stocks like apple, linkedin, facebook, etc are safe for a new investor looking to get his feet wet without worrying too much about drastic down swings. They're long term stocks though so don't expect a quick double/triple up.
Biotechs are where the quick money can be gained or loss. It's not for the faint of hear though. My bread and butter is MNKD(I dread mentioning it on here cause it seems every time I do, it tanks). It's been swinging up and down ~20% over the past couple of months.
Oil stocks are bound to rebound eventually. Could be at least a double by next year cause no way they stay this low for long.
Yahoo spinning off its BABA stake. How much is that going to dilute the shares?
edit: furthermore is Yahoo actually worth anything without this stake?
You, my friend, have clearly only been trading in a bull marketSome of these high P/E names will be the first to go if things fall off the rails.
Stick to bluechip, megacap stocks that pay a nice dividend to get your feet wet.
shake shack , buy or nah?