Some people just don't get it. My parents look at it as gambling and are always telling me to take my money out because "I read its gonna crash soon" its been a year since I started and if I listened to them i wouldn't have made any money. They put the market and the people who do it for a living on a pedestal and think regular folk can't do it. But those people aren't any smarter than us. I think our generation is realizing that.*vent session*
Shyt is getting frustrating. If it wasn’t For threads like this and some other investment communities I follow this journey would be stressful.
Jsut got into an argument with my girl because I used some of my half of the tax teturn(I let her file the kids) to pay off my federal(capital gains). Telling me to chill and not to rack up because she tired of me owing. I’m starting to understand some of these Investment personas when I used to think they were just talking down on the general population but most ppl are short sighted when it comes to finances.
I owe 800 in federal but getting back over 2000 in state(s) If I could I would use my state to pay it when I rifle but they only offer that option for federal. I don’t understand the issue because I didn’t ask her for money but just my usual half I take when we file. She said I do too much outside of work. I told her it’s foolish to depend on one stream of income on today’s society. Had to get my financial advisor and a tax advisor to talk to her and explain things to her and she still has an attitude. In years pass whenever I owed it was because I had to file exempt( a couple of checks) to cover her part of the financial obligations because she wasn’t working.
this is why I’m teaching my kids financial literacy and liberty so they can understand these things. Credit isn’t really important to me(but she did said she wanted to get a house so ok) but just off enlightening myself with my financial empowerment I’ve been able to raise my by 250 pts just off simple stuff.
Luckily my friends have embraced it and are now making money. Once they get a hit, they can't stop. They're addicted now too. I honestly think if our generation wasn't so beaten down by how much it is to buy cars, a house, to not having a decent job with a pension, and then add student loan debt on top of it, we wouldn't be as involved in the markets today. Our parents had that shyt. They were content. So they look at the market different than we do.
Financial freedom