So, if you believe in IPOE as a long term hold, but don't want to wait the long term, buy a leap option.
So a call option is a contract for 100 shares of a stock at a certain date at a certain price. So, for example if you were confident IPOE would end up over $20 by Mid January 2023, you could buy that contract of 100 shares for X price. The contact cost's let's say $600. If IPOE goes over $20 before the strike (mid Jan '23) the price of the option contract will go up exponentially. Thus you can sell it before it's strike date, or if you have the capital, you can buy 100 shares of IPOE at $20 on that day. If the current stock price was $26 or higher at the strike date, you'd break even.
LMK if I can clarify, b/c it's hard to explain thru words.