More HIMS:
For a company founded in 2017 these numbers are impressive.
Not quite sure why but their app isn't getting much love, it's still a young company. Also it's not really recommended to use your phone for important video conferences. But not everyone has access to a computer.
So my question it really that rare for them to have users that only have tablets and ipad's?
Is this a sign that the company just targeted towards yuppies / millennials with money.
I hope not because then this just further contributes to disparities and barriers.
Also they haven't updated the app since May 2020.
There's still time enhance the app, considering that the reviews are trash.
Now ForHIM's is definitely getting webtraffic. 3.25Million hits in a month is fukking great.
ForHers isn't getting as much traffic, by a significant amount. 325k still isn't bad but that's a major drop off from ForHims. Maybe it's because women are unaware. I mean I just now found out that there's a completely website for women. So it could be a marketing problem, something that should get addressed in the near future.
HIMS has their own pharmacy. With about 20% of their drugs being generic(copy cat / me too or cheaper versions of branded drugs). This could be a major cost saver in 20+ years.
That full automation packaging machinery is a reason to get mad bullish.
The warehouse specifically located in Ohio for strategic logistics purposes:
Digital Health Company, Hims & Hers, to Locate Here - New Albany, Ohio Economic Development
Sexual health being a major revenue generator is on par with being a Health care company geared towards millennials. Chronic diseases / noncommunicable disease don't really start showing up in the population until at least around mid to late 30's.
That 91% subscription rate is
Should be interesting to see this company grow. I could see this becoming a trendy as fukk company amongst millennials, like the LMND of healthcare. As always I'm hoping this tanks like CLOV so can I pick up shares for cheap