Ye that’s honestly what I did before I dropped a penny into the market.....About 500 pages ago @Serious recommended that new folks go back and read the thread from mid-March when the crash started. I did it, and it was incredibly helpful. I learned the language of the market, the strategies used by the frequent posters here, which YouTubers to follow, and most importantly, I learned how to approach DD.
Doing this will take a few weeks/months, but it will significantly cut down your learning curve.
Besides, it is free. It just requires diligence, and discipline.
The other thing I did was I told myself that I was not going to invest until I finished this reading project. That stopped me from developing bad habits, and curved my yolo and fomo instincts.
Because of this ,I am able to stick to my plan no matter what's running at the moment.
Hell I think it’s good to back do this quarterly to see what you missed out and how to self improve.