in retrospect, the thing i've learned the most this year to is to know what's an investment and what's a swing/trade. too many times, i've sold early out of a great/growing company for small/decent profit for what should've been a long term investment (2-5+ years). JMIA is a prime example. I sold a lot of my position when it hit $15 (buy in average was about $5.50) for an almost x 3 gain over span of a couple months. Only to watch it now be flirting w/ $40 and God knows where it'll jump to in the next 5 years. It's probably still a good buy at $40, but I should've loaded the boat at ~ $5 and just been adding/investing for long term gains. not to mention that I only put a couple grand into it instead of strengthening my position to 5 figures over time. on the flip side, i've had times where I've put too much (high 4 figures and even touching 5 figures) into pennies that I held onto much longer than I should've and ended up selling for loss or only getting little profits. ABIO and ADMA prime examples currently. starting to learn to treat these pennies like trades/sluts (get in and get out) and not even indulging them much anymore (and only w/ much lower/less risky sums) while treating good/growth companies like investments/wives and spending alot more time putting good money and research into these. any profits from pennies or swings and money I add from paychecks are primarily getting added to longs w/ a consolidated portfolio (word to chicken genius). can't wait to see what 2021 looks like.