Pass me the rock nikka
Tesla could hit 3000, maybe 5000, hold it

Tesla could hit 3000, maybe 5000, hold it
Robinhood confirmed it will stop displaying the number of customers who hold a particular stock, and limit the data feed in the near future.
tradingview is awesome brehs
If a crash comes. Average down. People who waited on the sidelines holding a massive LYou guys sure are bullish...
i am up until the electionYou guys sure are bullish...
Bout to start loading up on Apple Stock, especially in my daughters account. This is there 3rd split in 15 years. If they continue this thread, shell 19 with a bunch of Apple Shares. I looked at Home Depot and they were growing so fast at point they did 3 splits in 1 yr. Well see were AI, 5G, AR and the AR Googles takes Apple over the nx 5 yrs and beyond.
And who knows whats after that.