brehs does anyone else think that maybe capone called the cops on that raid to get the ok and kill o'banion? they both were arrested and the reason o'banion received bail earlier was because theres no evidence with torrio signing the papers. earlier johnny told him no, he has business with him and capone flips. with losing his brother theres no way he was gonna let that slide. and now he has the okay to do some work
theres no way chalky doesnt know something is strange. hes smart, not book smart, but he didnt get that position of being hnic without knowing something. for 7 episodes now its being shown how narcisse/dunn/daughter are scheming on him and chalky has no clue. i cant see it being that predictable to follow that trend by the season finale. if they were allow that to happen it would go against the image and smarts he had for the first three seasons to not see this coming. perhaps hes playing dumb? nucky is too smart to be manipulated by narcisse, he also only trusts very few people and chalky is one of them. anyone else would have taken the money and gave nuck to gyp, and nucky knows that. remember how scared he was of those black dudes huddled up scheming when looking outside the window? and then when the truck was stopped and thought he was gonna be given to gyp only for chalky/dunn blow their brains out. you add eddie dying and it makes that circle of trust even smaller. at the end of last seaosn he tells eli "i dont want anyone around us we dont already trust" hes not gonna team up with narcisse. i feel at the end nuck and chalky will remain close and take care of the big three.