I think you have reading comprehension issues. I just told you that atheism threads have been getting merged in response to the redundancy, see the atheism thread. Go ahead and find me one atheist thread that has existed for more than two days that has not been merged into that thread over the past two weeks that is currently on the front page. I'll wait. Find the islam thread while you're at it. That atheism thread wasn't even called that, I literally created that thread myself and merged shyt into it.
Don't care to find some of the massive redundant threads you have allowed to be out so long.
Judging quality threads is in every moderator's job description. No one moderating on here will tell you different, and we're very lax. But judging quality is easy, if it's redundant, it's probably not quality. We don't need 8 of the same thing. No one would argue with that. But this isn't what this thread is about.
There is a difference between someone bringing in a good subject thread and 100 of the same thread. Sadly your job isn't to nit-pick at every thread to say "Hmmm I'm not feeling that thread cause of the subject, let me respond by dissing the OP on how crappy it is". If you don't like the thread out of personal reasons shouldn't be the reason you drop it. The only lax mod in this HL is name that doesn't end in None. Try taking some advice for once especially from Hiphoplives4eva instead of having a Holier than thou attitude.