Scustin Bieburr
Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
you really don't understand wealth inequality.
There is rampant wealth inequality in this country but it will not be addressed because the party that would even try to address that problem does not signal to white people that they will protect and strengthen the system of white supremacy.
White people have continuously voted against their own economic interests because they still value the psychological wage of whiteness. You saw them do it in 2016, and you saw them do it again last month. When they perceive their system of white supremacy and the psychological wage of whiteness as something they may lose, they act against all logic and common sense to protect their system and the psychological wage it gives them.
As long as they know others have it worse than them, they do not care how much they suffer. We hear all about the white working class as though they weren't the ones lynching black people, as though the white working class didnt fight for the confederacy. We hear about these people as though when they went on strike their employers didn't use our ancestors as strike breakers, knowing it would further inflame the existing rage they had towards us.
Healthcare, education, safety from police brutality, access to jobs, affordable housing, tax cuts, and other objectively good things will be voted against if the one proposing thrm appears to be someone who does not promise to protect white supremacy, either tacitly(bill Clinton, Joe biden) or overtly(Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump).
Just like when whites would drain a public pool if black kids were seen in it, they will destroy the country if black people would benefit from any of the policies that would help the working class and reign in the heinous greed and excesses of the wealthy.
Wealth inequality is meaningless to the white supremacist. They'll gladly let the boot step on them if it means that black people will feel the combined weight of the boot AND the white supremacist at the same time.
That is the country you live in. The only way out of this will involve the whites that don't believe in that system or value it making common cause with everyone else that wants the law enforced and for their quality of life to improve. Now watch the rich whites continue to high step and spike the football. They know the only way they lose is if the system white people have historically killed for and died to protect is at serious risk.