You teach people how to treat you.
This country has so many people who will just accept the bullshyt that these people feel bold enough to do shyt like this. They do this because they know what kind of country they live in.
They live in a country where a church pastor lives in luxury and flies on private jets feeling absolutely zero guilt knowing his lifestyle is financed by people who give him money hoping God will deliver them from suffering and he's his messenger.
They live in a country where people would rather let their children die in a school shooting than vote for any changes to gun policy.
They live in a country where education isn't a human right accessible to every citizen, but instead a luxury that one must go into debt to afford with no guarantee of job security.
They live in a country where landlords can raise the rent without improving the facilities at all.
They know they live in a country where rather than sympathizing with an outraged public and pushing for substantial reforms after an innocent man is killed, the government will make symbolic gestures while unleashing violent police to quell protest.
In short, they understand that the American public is full of soft, weak, easily controlled and manipulated morons who vote for soft, weak easily controlled leaders who care about nothing else but getting their cut of the blood money.
They can do this because they know that there will be no blowback from the public. The stock price will chug along as usual, the news won't cover this like it's a big deal, politicians won't speak on it, and the public will roll over and accept it just as they've continued to accept the sustained assault on their rights which began in the Reagan administration.
Elon musk could murder someone with his bare hands on national TV and online you'd see people saying the dumbest shyt you've ever heard while using this emoji
"Cry more triggered lib tards

"So what if he killed them, people die everyday. Take that woke shyt somewhere else

My only respite, the only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that the dumbest people in America also tend to die the fastest.