Blacks are so forgiving...Stand with SAE member...Now with Video


Aug 29, 2012
He's got enough to hire our scum Negroes. :scust:


This picture got me kind of heated. The press conference too. The old negro clergymen looking like they hating they 65 years old and still gotta shuck and jive for chump change and eat shyt for whitey. My grandaddy used to say "you too old to be this stupid".......... This "sista" doing way too much. She went into overdrive in her c00ning. She aint had to do all that to receive her campaign donation and her pat on the head. She on that mammy shyt. Change the clothes on the cac slightly, put a do-rag on her head and a long dress and this look like some Gone with the Wind shyt. The fact that the cac looks like a skinny Jay Cutler only serves to make me angrier.

I had to look up this c00n in particular:

fukk her and her barren womb.

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
This picture got me kind of heated. The press conference too. The old negro clergymen looking like they hating they 65 years old and still gotta shuck and jive for chump change and eat shyt for whitey. My grandaddy used to say "you too old to be this stupid".......... This "sista" doing way too much. She went into overdrive in her c00ning. She aint had to do all that to receive her campaign donation and her pat on the head. She on that mammy shyt. Change the clothes on the cac slightly, put a do-rag on her head and a long dress and this look like some Gone with the Wind shyt. The fact that the cac looks like a skinny Jay Cutler only serves to make me angrier.

I had to look up this c00n in particular:

fukk her and her barren womb.

You think I should email her this thread?


Oklahoma state Sen. Anastasia Pittman, left, D-Oklahoma City, stands with Levi Pettit, right, a former University of Oklahoma fraternity member caught on video leading a racist chant, during a news conference at Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Wednesday.
It would have been so easy to turn demagogue over the gross racism that erupted on a fraternity bus at the University of Oklahoma.
It would have been so easy for a politician to use it as a wedge, to fire up the community, to gather some cheap support with a call to us-versus-them.
There’s enough us-versus-them in this country as it is.
State Sen. Anastasia Pittman of Oklahoma understands that. She understands that wounds need to be healed and pouring salt in them isn’t the way to do it.
If you don’t yet know who Pittman is, you should. She is the woman who saw a 20-year-old man who had said horrible things about her and her community and reached out to him with grace, dignity and forgiveness.
She is someone who saw an opportunity not only to heal him but to help him heal us. From what we see in this incident, she is a person in the best tradition of the leaders of our country.
Yesterday, Pittman stood arm-in-arm with Highland Park’s Levi Pettit as he extended an apology for leading a racist chant on the Sigma Alpha Epsilon bus at OU.
The young man standing before a crowd of people he had slurred looked like a much different young man than the one swaying and singing on that bus. He looked both shaken and grateful.
It is Pittman to whom he most owes his gratitude.
Before Pettit apologized publicly, Pittman had spoken to him. He wasn’t a racist, she concluded, but someone who made a terrible mistake. And she extended to him the opportunity to make right on his mistake.
All of us will make terrible mistakes in our lives. All of us will fail. We probably won’t do it in the way Pettit did, and it probably won’t be as public. But it will happen.
We need people like Anastasia Pittman in our lives – people who will extend to us forgiveness and remind us of the possibility of redeeming ourselves.
More important, perhaps, we need people like Pittman in our public life. We need leaders who are willing to unite us, who are willing to see past our mistakes and our differences to see that we can be something better than we are. And we need leaders who won’t leap to every opportunity to point out how wrong the other guy is to show how right they can be.
Levi Pettit did nothing to earn the chance Anastasia Pittman gave him yesterday. His earning is ahead of him now. He has a debt. He seems to understand that. But it’s a debt he can pay, thanks to a woman he didn’t know, who few of knew, but who we should thank today.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
Maybe someone should've whooped Martin's ass back in the day when he got on that peaceful protest/dream chaser bull shyt because this too nice can be traced directly to him.

It's devolved into some of the most awkward exchanges between blacks and other races that almost keep the idea of black inferiority alive.

That peaceful March didn't do shyt. The only thing that worked was the boycotting. You have to hit cacs in their mouth and in their pockets for a change.
Jun 8, 2012
Like I said, we must really be God's, because we subconsciously see ourselves as superior to other races.

It's the only way to explain our behaviors. Same way other races see us as superior, though their words say different. Sort of how an adult isn't supposed to smack back a child who smacks them. This is how white people behave, they smack us and smack us. Soon as we punch back even lightly...they begin crying.

Perhaps it's time we realize our order on this planet?

This is why I don't get upset anymore when people feel too afraid to share the sidewalk with me and scurry to the other side of the streets.

Perhaps they realize they just aren't worthy of our presence and they'll never compare to us.

Great post.


Jul 19, 2013
What would he have to do to prove he's sorry? That's he's fo real?

He cant prove shyt, but it doesnt really matter if hes sorry. If history is anything to go by, we know hes only sorry that he got caught.

As far as actions, something to do with resources and wealth being transferred (no strings) to a poor Black community in his state would be a good start. Possibly help fund a Black org dedicated to reaching at risk Black youth... Maybe donate a huge sum of money to fund lawyers to go after these corrupt police and institutions.. Simple shyt we should be doing for ourselves, but is still OWED to us by them for our ancestors plight AND contribution to the modern western world....

But i know ive already asked for too much

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
Like I said, we must really be God's, because we subconsciously see ourselves as superior to other races.

It's the only way to explain our behaviors. Same way other races see us as superior, though their words say different. Sort of how an adult isn't supposed to smack back a child who smacks them. This is how white people behave, they smack us and smack us. Soon as we punch back even lightly...they begin crying.

Perhaps it's time we realize our order on this planet?

man, this aint nothing but Conditioning and a dose of YT Jesus and the feeling of powerless-ness.

these MFers truly disgust me:scust:

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Can always bank on AA's to
for massa:scust:

Old, young, middle aged it's always the same, soft! as fukk!:mjlol:there's no hope or light at the end of the tunnel:snoop:

AA's stay losing:yeshrug:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
:pacspit:I don't even concern myself with the bourgeois crowd. I learnt the hard way that every time u try to include em in a plan they wanna blow it up. Not only did they not give a fukk about me when I was struggling like a motherfukker on the street, they would put stumbling blocks in my path when I was trying to come up. Then try to come up to me on some friendly shyt afterwards like they were bossin up on me. That's why when my shyt forms like Voltron I'm taking my hood ngaz with me, so I can take all the hits and play all the little chess games and my bros can just handle their biz n feed their families n stay outta prison.

:ohlawd:I also LOVE how when u outsmart em n think 3 steps ahead of em n u don't fall flat on ur face, they like to try n give u pointers on how "we gotta come together" and they wanna start whispering about white folks. :childplease:Motherfukker I know the game, n if ur :ohlawd::flabbynsick:old negro spiritual ass had any juice I'd be tryna get down with u. But u wanna be a fagg0t ass crab in the bucket hater cuz ur intellectually intimidated by a cracker with a degree on his wall behind him, even when u urself got like 5 degrees:mindblown:. Mad cuz a young thug nikka plays dumb to suck ur brain for all ur game then sit at the table with a cracker and speak like goddamned Obama while ur :flabbynsick:country Jesse Jackson sounding ass is left in the dust. bytch, I was reading at a college lvl in 3rd grade, I know what the fukk I am.:rudy:

Sit there and be mad every time u chime in with a comment and I hit the group with an engaging story n steal the fukking mic from ur snake ass, n I ain't gotta cut my balls off to do it like ur dumb :hamster:ass did.

:francis:Eating chips n salsa mumbling to urself n pretending to check ur phone cuz a thug got these crackers captivated with that goddamn charisma.:blessed::umad:
:mjcry:I brought you africans with me cause I love you like my brothers, And your mothers' like my mother think we need a plan of action


Hope there's puddin' in the clink...
May 18, 2012
Districto de Columbia

How do you stand behind and support a man who JUST got caught having a great time singing about hanging your grandparents?

Like our holocaust is his Disneyland. How much do you have to get paid to smooth that over in your soul? :camby:
Powerful, breh.:wow:

He's probably thinking all type of racist shyt as he apologizes. This dude is only sorry he was caught. Black people turning the other cheek has to stop, its widely known you can do anything to black folks and just apologize to the NAACP or Sharpton and all is forgiven. Lapdogs.
This is what I think of all those who apologize after being caught. :pacspit: is what they deserve.

Im glad i surround myself with real black people. I dont know where they find these house nikkas at. Scuze me while i rant...

But every time blacks actually come together and organize to denounce cacs there is always some handkerchief headed kumbaya negroes willing to forgive in the name of white Jesus.


The problem is that there are no consequences for these black folks that sell out the rest of their community for some twisted Christian ideology and a photo op. Ostracize these fools.


Look at them. Ole soft heart black men up there. Styles P up there in the front with her red suit and 20 dollar wig. Looking like she wanna lick this crackas boots and suck his dikk on the spot. All of these house negroes should be shamed of themselves. They too grown and rusty to be used. The old nikka in the front probably drank out of a colored fountain and yet he up there shoulder to shoulder helping some rich cac feel good about himself. If there was one African up there with a hint of pride they would tell this saltine to go fukk themselves. Yet they put on their best clothes and sold out their people for a bullshyt photo-op........... :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
First, :russ: @ Styles P. Second, :wow: @ the bolded. This "Book'em, Dan-O" looking cac prolly gonna run for office on a Democrat ticket and get elected in blackest county with "the help" of these sell-out azz mfs. Bish made cac.