I should've watched all of this before I commented, but to delve a little deeper I think that perhaps slavery and the outcome of it has something to do with it. The results of that era are still prominent within us now and in slavery black women had a lot to hate when it came to white men. Rape, selling off their children, and beating pregnant slaves until their baby came out and not to mention that whole black women are "loose" stereotype. On the other hand, black men didn't have much resentment for white women mainly because the white men had all the power on the plantations and they were the ones making their lives hell. There's some speculation that white women became desirable because they were forbidden fruit, but I'm neutral on that belief.
This does bring to question the other races though. I don't see history or logic there, but if you're part of the black community it's pretty known that there's an admiration for more straight hair and I've known women who had babies with Latinos so that their baby would have "good hair". I'm not sure about Asians, Arabs, or Indians, but there's a particular resentment towards white guys I hear and it's brought up in our films sometimes, "A white man can't do nothing for me, but pay my bills,".
That needs to cease.