Ofcourse her cac is a stay at home
They are not equally attractive

They are not equally attractive

Yeah, the African immigrant hairstylists are everywhere. I even had them cut my hair when I lived in China 20 years ago. Whether she is willing to go to 'that' part of town though is the question.
I said this before, somebody told me that she felt shame and doesn't know why that she puts up with more from non black guys than black. She was with an arab guy who lived at home with his parents(the guy is in his 30s living with parents), but she didn't want black guy who made under 100k
Another case of them being the ones paying
She was a fool.
If you have debt you have debt. Do you want to marry the person despite the debt? Are they going to make the effort to pay it off before you marry?
I mean, I’m not turning down the offer, but I def ain’t paying off a man’s debt so we can get married. He can just pay it off faster once our combined living expenses decrease
Type of fairytale foolishness is that.
And same for this story. I’m not leaving my country to finance a white man
My fam would disown me
As close to American creature comforts as you can fine. Better transit so not dependent on having a vehicle. Much healthier lifestyle and not being poisoned to death by the food I'm consuming. Wouldn't go in crippling debt in order to have a health procedure done. Just with my VA check, I could live on the coast of Portugal if I chose (but hell no). I can tell you plenty of other reasons why I'd relocate there instead of remaining here.Black American I fail to see why a lot of people relocate there nowadays.
If black women HAPPILY accepted bullshyt from black Men the same way they do for white men
The marriage rate would skyrocket