Black supremacists AKA ignorant concious fellas let me holla @ you


Jul 5, 2012
. the reality is the lighter you are the more chance you have at getting that really good job you want. the better your chances are in LIFE.

false! Hindu's be darker than a lot of black people and still get the jobs they want.

fact is black people got a sterotype that's completely different than anyone else. There is such a thing as walk, talk, and acting black. No other minority gets they race questioned when they do things. It's like there is black people and then everyone else.


Jun 8, 2012
false! Hindu's be darker than a lot of black people and still get the jobs they want.

fact is black people got a sterotype that's completely different than anyone else. There is such a thing as walk, talk, and acting black. No other minority gets they race questioned when they do things. It's like there is black people and then everyone else.

hindus... lol. so now you're going to reach and make an apples to oranges comparison.

we know that you can come to the US or get a job thru the US even staying at home overseas. if you have the tech skills and are willing to take less early on.

do you think a dark skin hindu with the same tech skills as a White man in american. will be hired by another whiteman before the white guy? HELLZ NO. unlessss. the hindu guy is willing to do the same job for a lot less money.

americans feel like we DESERVE more. so we request/ask for more. we know our rights. therefore we push for more. a foreigner from another country will take whatever you are giving him/her and then work their way up.

to the point where guess who's hiring hindus? not white guys. ... other hindus are hiring hindus in the tech sectors. you say no?. i say really. go to your IT dept right now and tell me who you see? indians from india(with some from the states) and asians. so guess who's going to be interviewing people? these same people. who else can do it? no one else has the technical no how at your place of business since the indians are the only people in IT. you see 3 white guys, 8 indians, and maybe a handfull of asians. thats the makeup of your american IT dept. notice i never said black guy/ aint happening for the most part. sure there are exceptions but thats exactly what they are...exceptions.

so dont think its white guys hiring a bunch of hindus only. its hindus hiring their people that look like them.


Jul 6, 2014
These are JEW LIES. The BLACKMAN did NOT evolve. Evolution IS a DEVILISH deceptification. I come TO the Coli to EMPHATICALLY oppose the Caucazoidal propaganda THAT you ARE trying to SPREAD. I REFUSE to teach MY seeds these WHITE falsehoods. Their EDUCATION consists entirely OF Brother Polight and Tariq Nasheed YOUTUBE videos. KNOWLEDGE is power.
your best yet


Jul 22, 2014



Jul 17, 2013
It's really sad to witness the impact that a group of white men in the 1700's have till this day :to:

Racism was invented by the Rich White Male, to keep the lower class separated forever. Had they not invented racism, this country would've been built on completely different principles...
this country was founded on the right principle when poor cacs ran from europe. they were running from an economic system that was enslaving them and drafted laws give every single one of them an opportunity to rise up... good principle.

only thing they didn't take into account was that they didn't think the black man or other people too could rise upon this same system and forgot to tweak the law to keep them out.
the white man has a superiority complex by default and has lived and build himself on this mental state for hundreds of years and it's hard and impossible for him to accept the fact that he just isn't and will do anything and everything sneaky to pull other people down to convince himself he is superior. all while preaching equality.

now, the same people that caucasians were running from caught up with them many years later in the civil war. :demonic:


now the [illuminati] bankers who ran europe are now back to owning the united states too.:ufdup:
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Jun 8, 2012
false! Hindu's be darker than a lot of black people and still get the jobs they want.

fact is black people got a sterotype that's completely different than anyone else. There is such a thing as walk, talk, and acting black. No other minority gets they race questioned when they do things. It's like there is black people and then everyone else.
know what you're talking about before you reply Brehs..

Individuals in India have a tendency to see whiter skin as more beautiful. This can be traced to the invasion of Aryans who were mostly light skinned. They referred to two classes of people, the white-skinned Aryans and the black-skinned Indian. The Aryans were religious and followed the Vedas, performing all the rituals while the Dasas (at a later stage) merged into the Shudra .[13]

The major God of Hinduism, Lord Krishna, the Sanskrit word for "Black" or "Dark",[14] was the charioteer of Arjuna, both of whom were dark colored.[15][16] But sometimes Krishna is also translated as "all attractive"[17]

Almost all the Goddesses in every art form are depicted as light skinned except Goddess Kali who has a dark skin and is described as ‘the mother of all’.[18]

Discrimination based on skin color was most visible in British India, where skin color served as a signal of high status for the foreign British. Thus, those individuals with a lighter skin color enjoyed more privileges, were considered to have a more affluent status and gained preference in education and employment. Darker skinned individuals were socially and economically disadvantaged due to their skin tone.

The caste system in India too involves complications of skin color. British historians claimed that that since the upper castes were not involved in tedious labor and weren’t as exposed to the sun as the lower castes, they used to stay indoors and thus possessed lighter skin. The lower castes on the other hand had higher melanin concentration in their skin cells due to continued exposure to sun from working in agricultural fields and outdoors.[19]

Dark—a word that brings a tingle to the spine, especially in those countries where the blight of colorism exists.[34] Just like other countries across the Asian Region, Pakistan has been also practicing colorism for many decades. The people are living in such a denial that they are not even ready to accept the fact that this discrimination does exist. But it is a fact that more preference is given to those who are light-skinned whereas the dark-skinned people are considered less pleasing. There's a huge market of Fairness/lightening products all over Pakistan.

Latin America[edit]
Brazil has the largest population of African descendants (living outside of Africa) in the world. This large number was a result of the African Slave trade. In Brazil, skin color plays a large role in differences among the races. Individuals with lighter skin and who are racially mixed generally have higher rates of social mobility.[37]

There are a disproportionate number of mostly European descent elites than those of visible African descent. There are large health, education and income disparities between the races in Brazil.[38]

In parts of Latin America, light skin is seen as more attractive.[39] In Mexico and in Brazil, light skin represents power.[40] A dark skinned person is more likely to be discriminated against in Brazil.[41] A fair-featured, Caucasoid person is assumed to be more privileged and have a higher social status. A person with light skin, even if racially-mixed, is considered beautiful and it means that the person either has more wealth or greater opportunity for wealth. Those with dark skin, frizzy hair, and/or other visibly Negroid features tend to be among the region's poorest and most disenfranchised.

African Americans[edit]
European colonialism created a system of white supremacy and racist ideology, which led to a structure of domination that privileged whiteness over blackness. Biological differences in skin color were used as a justification for the enslavement and oppression of Africans, developing a social hierarchy that placed whites at the top and blacks at the bottom. The desire to rise out of this lower position ultimately caused internalized divisions among African Americans.[42]

Miscegenation, the mixing of different racial groups (commonly through the sexual exploitation of black female slaves by white male slave owners and, after emancipation, black female prostitutes exchanging sex for money with white male customers) resulted in a large number of mixed race individuals with both African and European ancestry. Terminology was also developed to distinguish various levels of African ancestry. The terms mulatto, quadroon and octoroon were used to identify a black person with one-half, one-fourth and one-eighth of African ancestry, respectively.[43] Slaves with lighter complexion were allowed to engage in less strenuous tasks, like domestic duties, while the darker slaves participated in hard labor, which was more than likely outdoors.[44] A partial white heritage also gave light-skinned blacks more economic value and caused them to be viewed as smarter and superior to dark-skinned blacks, allowing more advantages in a white-dominated society, such as broader opportunities for education and the acquisition of land and property.[45]

To prevent any confusion in regard to racial classification and to prohibit blacks with white ancestry from gaining the same legal status as full-blooded whites, the rule of hypo-descent, or the "one-drop rule" was mandated. According to the “one-drop rule," even the smallest amount of African ancestry (or a drop of African blood) legally defined a person as black.[46] After the abolition of slavery in 1865, however, colorism created an internalized structure of hierarchy and division within the black community, as lighter-skinned blacks began to set themselves apart by socializing, marrying and procreating with one another. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, separatist standards, such as the brown paper bag, comb, pencil, and flashlight tests began to be implemented. Also, exclusionary social clubs and societieswere developed to create color divisions within black America that would shape socially constructed ideas about skin color.[47]

Asian Americans[edit]
In 2003 researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara conducted a survey of 99 Asian Americans on the issue of colorism in their communities. The ethnicities surveyed included Filipino, Japanese, Cambodian, Korean, and Chinese individuals. The respondents answered a number of questions varying from skin color preference, eye shape, face shape, etc. Certain themes emerged from the survey that indicated that colorism is also a part of the Asian American communities and the consensus was that light-skinned people were more beautiful than dark people. One theme that was consistent was that “beauty is light" and another was to "not be romantically linked with or marry dark people". Many respondents reported that a member in their family had openly discouraged dating a dark-skinned Asian American. Similar to African American communities, Asian American women are more likely to be held to the lighter skin standard than Asian American men. This gender difference is due to the fact that the culture, family, and ideologies are strongly based in patriarchy where a woman submits to the man's "ideal of beauty". The preference for lighter skin in Asian communities dates back to traditional Asian standards of beauty brought over by immigrants, however exposure to images of Western ideal beauty in the media has also reinforced Asian American women's desires for lighter skin.[56] In African American and Latin American communities, various skin bleaching creams and treatments are offered in the Asian communities, promoted by advertisements featuring light, almost pale, skin toned Asian models.[12]

The issue of colorism has gone global especially with the rise of globalization and advancing technologies. Through globalization multinational media conglomerates export U.S. culture, products, and cultural imperialism, including cultural images of race and color preference.[64] The global media implications are that Eurocentric physical features which are less aligned with native ancestry are found to be more attractive.[65] The U.S. exports images of the good life, white beauty and affluence which many people in other poorer countries yearn for. The Philippines is a good example of this due to the fact that the country is an intersection of internalized colonial values and a culture of new global viewing. Just as in other Third World countries, the Philippines contemporary culture valorizes American culture and places high value on white beauty. In Korea, women pay high sums of money for eyelid surgery and skin bleaching products to achieve Westernized white beauty. Plastic surgery and skin bleaching are both derived from the globalization of U.S. dominant views of fair beauty and images of lighter-skinned celebrities are widely valued in the global market place. This is the reason as to why colorism is so difficult to battle, because it is so pervasive with images supporting this system of inequality reaching all over the globe. The advancement of television, film, print ads, and internet featuring lighter skin as a cultural ideal influences Third World and modernizing countries, informing them that to be of lighter skin color is not only a way to live the “good life” but is also culturally imperative.[64]

So...dont reply just read and understand it. there's nothing to argue about. there's truth/facts then there is falsehoods. The above is the truth whether you like it or not.


Jul 17, 2013
Who invented oxygen? A BLACK MAN :obama:
black people invented a lot of shyt but due to being kept of the education system and law white men kept the patents that were passed down to this day..

white people been keeping black people in the dark and taking credit for shyt we invented. from darwin to all the modern masses in the name of corporations.

thank goodness cacs never gave me that $4 raise.. i'd still be over there being yelled at, fighting for my spot, making other people rich.


All Star
Jun 27, 2012
The premise of this thread is sbsolutely retarded.....'black supremacist??' WTF??

What type of person has ever felt so threatened by black people so much that they need to create this false boogie man and call it out as if it's a legitimate threat?? The ONLY group you can somwhat apply that shyt to is those Hebrew Israelite clowns, that's it.

But these fukking idiots cited the FACT that Buddha was black and the Olmecs were black as s reason to be threaten. LMAO

tap dancing fearful black c00nery has been taken to new levels brehs. Any neo nazi or kkk cracker would be mightily proud of this here thread.

You sambo pieces of caterpillar shyt can die now please.

:mjlol:@ the Olmecs being Philippinos


May 1, 2012
:heh: op is 100% on point

“Things that may not be true can be made if you repeat them long and often enough, therefore, always repeat statements that will give your race a status and an advantage. That is how the White man has built up his system of superiority. He is always telling you he is superior and he has written history and literature to prove it. You must do the same.”

– Marcus Garvey
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