Black Physician Who Said She Was Mistreated Dies of COVID-19

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
i actually heard that black doctors tend to have the best performance. first i thought it was just because they face so much scrutiny that they work twice as hard to keep their jobs. but more and more im thinking it is because they are the only doctors who dont secretly despise large percentages of their patients the way others do. this universe is depressing.
Then they use you as an outlet to take out years vicitimizations and insensitivity

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
That treating you like a drug addict shyt is real.

I had to go to the ER at work after having stomach spasms and vomiting. I've had GI issues for a few years and it's all in my chart. I had a black woman treating me. She was was happy to see me and was saying how she was going to take care of me. In the middle of talking she got a text and started looking angry. She had her head down and sadly said that they were taking her off and getting a different doctor for me. A group of cacs and Asian hemomtologists came by asking questions and said my blood was thin. They mentioned how they saw I use marijuana in my chart. I told them I have a prescription and use it for nausea. They said I probably used synthetic marijuana:mjtf:. I tell them first off I get it from a dispensary and second I haven't used any in two weeks. I'm literally there in my scrubs so how the hell was I smoking fugazi weed while at work?

I was discharged after receiving a vitamin K IV which got my blood normal. I had to see a hemotologist a week later and he immediately asked me why I was there. I was confused so I told him what happened. He said they put that I used synthetic weed in their report and that's why I was sick:mindblown:. He knew it was BS. He said because I wasn't eating consistently due to GI issues I was low on vitamin K hence the thin blood. The vitamin K getting my levels back to normal confirmed it was malnutrition. If there was a real issue my levels wouldn't have corrected from the IV treatment. That should have been evident to them but they labeled me a drug abuser anyway:wow:
Did the store sell synthetic or their blood report can't tell?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
She said she was treated better at this hospital with this leadership team:comeon:
Executive Leadership | Ascension

I can almost guarantee you that majority of black people who want the best care aren't going to go to a mostly black hospital. Personally for me a black doctor and white doctor are one in the same if they have an ego and lack compassion. And if you are merely a doctor who can't call shots and just do what your boss or teachings have told you is the way,then you are practically a hit man for hire:martin:. Seems like this poor lady came to the realization that her proffession is full of evil. If she didn't notice it while she was being a doctor it tells me she had on blinders,and couldn't see it until she was in a heap of trouble. At least in her death she woke some people up,but if only she could have been an advocate off her deathbed and used her talents for healing and new practices that didn't involve putting Europeans poisons in us. Poisons who they really only test to see how they effect white people,and what dosages they need truly. There is so much ignorance in her proffesion its not even funny. And in fairness much of that is just how they were taught,time restrictions,capitalism and lack of experience,their patients are guinea pigs by nature. And you go in and out of the hospital on a conveyor belt.


Jun 10, 2012
Did the store sell synthetic or their blood report can't tell?

No, a state sanctioned dispensary isn't selling fake weed and at the time NY didn't even allow cannabis flowers to be sold in dispensaries. Even if they did there's no way to mistake fake weed for the real and I told them I hadn't used my meds in a while.

There was nothing wrong with my blood other than it being thin. When you fill out medical forms they ask if you drink, smoke, or do any drugs. Mine says marijuana because a doctor prescribed it. They see it and because I'm black I must be an abuser of other drugs.


the lesbian converter
Nov 8, 2013
OG Coli Night
Contrary to popular opinion, when it comes to immediate health care needs or routine procedures, like flu shots, Black people are much better off going to facilities in the hood.

The location may be in a less than affluent area, however it is in no way indicative of the actual staff who treats you.

"Dr. Roshanda Williams" is going to go out of her way for you because she actually cares for her own.

I know this from professional experience.

This needs its own thread. Some of the best, and fastest service I received was from a free clinic in the hood.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
26 people dapped this dumb-smart nikka from Canada :dwillhuh:
Maybe 26 people understand that for some reason we can't sit the fukk down somewhere during a pandemic? It is definitely on topic when this doctor could have very well contracted it from one of these idiots that isn't taking this shyt seriously, out there partying like shyt is sweet...

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
Aye what the fukk do they mean "working on getting an apology?" fukk THAT. I hope lil breh is okay with this terrible tragedy. then dementia with the grandparents? I hope he is able to sue the shyt out of that doctor and that hospital.

On topic: this is why I stay my ass at home and why I will be getting the shot.

Off topic: this type of shyt is why I don't have or want kids. I'd be livid if the delivery of my baby and treatment of my woman was wrong.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
My childhood friend is a doctor - black male who has traveled the country and practiced in every region except the states of Hawaii and Alaska. He’s out on the west coast working now.

During the summer, he got word that a daughter of his friends back home in the south tested positive for Covid. The young lady is in her early 20s. When he talked to her to see what treatment she got at the doctor when she started showing symptoms, she told my friend she was sent home by a white male doctor who told her “there was nothing he could do for her” and that she needed “to get her house in order” right away. He legitimately had told the young lady to expect to die...a young black female with no pre-existing conditions.

This shocked and pissed off my friend, and he decided he would take over her treatment. She was in Texas so all of this was done remotely. Him looking at her labs, prescribing an aggressive regime of meds and rest and monitoring her - he did all of this from where he was working at towards the Pacific Northwest at the time. I asked about her constantly and, eventually, she did get better. It took some time though. Interestingly enough, she contracted it from some people at her gym (when venues started reopening) who knew they were positive but didn’t disclose it to her.

Subsequently, her two other sisters contracted it as well, though none of them lived together, so these were completely independent infections. Still, he did the same for them as well, and they have all recovered as well.

He constantly tells me about much of the foolishness that goes in his profession. Based on the stuff he says, my logical hypothesis is that there have to be a lot of doctors who are either depressed or drug addicts...because there is a lot to cope with and it doesn’t seem ethics is as valued in the medical profession as it is preached.

Ironically, he is recovering himself now. Earlier this week, I was on the phone with him while he was getting a Covid quick test, as the guinea pig for his facility. He had me on speaker when they told him he was, indeed, positive. Even with all his experience in having to help others beat it, I could clearly tell he was nervous with his diagnosis - likely because he was certain it was just another cold he had. Plus, he was trying to figure out how and where he’d contracted it.

When the news came out about the vaccine, I asked his opinion, as he is the medical professional and has the expertise in this...well, at least way more expertise than I do. He told me he would be taking it soon but that even he was nervous about the potential long-term effects of it.

He broke down the prescribed timeline for vaccine development and then broke down the timeline it took to develop this one. I asked him, logically, what variables went into this process that lent to the timeline being shortened so significantly. He said with this one, there were likely specialists working around the clock to get this done; additionally, a lot of “ethics” or ethically practices were left out or ignored during its development. He stressed to me there is always an ethical component in the development of treatments/medicines/etc. but our conversation got cut short before I could get more insight into what he meant.

During this entire year, what has continuously made me nervous has never been contracting the virus itself. I have always feared the treatment my family or I could potentially receive from the doctor if we had to get help, straight up. They are young, but I have explained this to my children as well - that we must look after our health and not be careless without reason because we want to avoid any chances we would ever end up under the care of a doctor like the ones treating this black female doctor and others like her. I watched iatrogenics played a huge part in the death of my paternal grandmother so I take it seriously.

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
you are an idiot. Of course you look at it that way. Because you’re a retard. The fact of the matter is this virus is killing black people at a higher rate. Seems like you’re ok with that which means not only are you dumb but you’re a c00n too. A confused one at that.
U really are a buffoon half white ofay fakkit for real:mjlol: