Souljah inna Jah Army
You didn't disprove Ethiopians having knowledge of their own land or being at a smaller number. Nor did you disprove any system in which people are monitored so that the entity in power can maintain power by having an idea of what any opposing force may do because said system did not and could not exist in a country that said world power does not yet control. You proved the Ethiopians having inferior resources/weapons which we knew already.
Like I said, Ethiopians had factors in their favor outside of technology. We do not.

We have knowledge of our land. We live in America. YTF you keep bringing that up?
Ethiopia was one of the poorest countries in the world. They had NO FAVORs.
Compared to the Ethiopians, the Italians had an advanced, modern military which included a large air force. The Italians would also come to employ chemical weapons extensively throughout the conflict, even targeting Red Cross field hospitals in violation of the Geneva Conventions.[71]