Also let's face it, we've seen many people build rapport with someone, all for nothing to come from it.
Twitter spaces is a thing and notable people from multiple fields host them. However, not many times does it benefit those who attend.
You watch some of these streams and the speaker be on some:
"Hahaaa I see you Quentin! You remember that discussion from a couple months back huh?! I recognize you!"
Meanwhile Quentin struggling after the call is over and nothing resulting from the "networking" is materializing and those 2-3 hours every month can be spent on something more useful and beneficial directly.
Remember, many people are there to snipe talent.
That dude and his company are probably no different.
If you not sticking out right away, they not looking for you no matter how many times you show up and put on a suit.
If you don't got the talent you probably another face in the crowd and your time can be better spent building your talent, not attending yet another meeting.
A woman actually said it once: too many times guys think they're doing something special because they're putting on a suit and showing up.
People expect too much credit for putting on a suit and popping up. Anybody can do that.
However, if you bringing nothing of note to stand out in the first place, somebody with actual skills and value will come up and take the spot you want wearing nothing but a cheap $30 outfit because that person actually put those hours to use and worked on their craft to create more actual value.
Some people take "showing up is half of it" way too literally. That mainly applies to doing the actual difficult, high-effort, high-reward tasks people avoid.
"Showing up" is a signal to start working on the highly-rewarding difficult stuff, not to constantly pick the low-hanging fruit that's not making you any better.
That's one of my favorite tweets of all-time and it doesn't apply to attending zoom calls "to be seen".
It applies to doing the actual difficult, high-rewarding tasks and mental strain everyone else avoids so that you can be that somebody when "you're seen".
That's how most of these grifters reel ya'll in as well. They know you don't want to do the real work for yourself, so "tune in" to them and the "community" they're building and together (when you send them money) you'll get the answer/shortcut to an extraordinary life. Be a keyboard warrior (again, very easy) and spread word about their channel.