Don Makaveli.
Chicago is hell on earth. Don't say that though, you're a sellout if you do.
We have to move away from this kind of thinking as a people if we expect to progress with safe communities where our children can play without any fear and our women being able to walk down the street without any worries. Chicago is a great example of no accountability within the black community and what it causes. The Democrat Party wants it this way. Single mothers raising dysfunctional black boys and lesbian girls who become adults that don't believe in accountability.
Since American black men as a collective won't hold irresponsible men in Chicago accountable we have to allow these white boy cops to clean up the mess because Pookie,Ray Ray,and baby Tech 9 won't listen to the black community.
Are we incapable of promoting Law and Order on our own? If so, then we cannot call ourselves nation builders if we can't perform the basic function of maintaining a community which is order.
I already proved that im black as all hell a long time ago so cut it out.You not black neg and stop it.
Poof That I'm Black:So Shut Y'all Bytch Azzes Up And....
So what's going to be your next excuse?
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